If, as read, Another meme xD.
I can not help. I think this journal should be a collector of memes or something xD:
Well, it has been said;)
Yes, I'll do Another meme, I can not Avoid Them XD. This Should Be a meme journal xD collector. Stolen from
The person: Dan Taichi from TeniPuri ^ ^
1. Choose a picture of the funniest face on your person.
ll, i found it funny xD. It looks like Taichi is running after an Urayama Horio xD. ME
paerce something funny, because it seems that Taichi is running to catch Urayama Horio and XD.
2. Choose a picture of your person eating.
It counts, although he's only drinking cofee.
The truth is that it found many cominedo. This should be worth, if only you are drinking coffee.
3. Choose a picture of your person with an animal.
LOL, the puppy looks so cute.
This makes me laugh because it seems they were watching a telenovela xD, and the dog with his face?
4. Choose a picture of your person with the Opposite Sex.
This is from a fan-art page. The girl is Sakuno (well, she's grown-up)
not many of him with some girl uu So I put this, girl Sakuno, although it is more grown xDXDXD.
5. Choose a picture of Where You Would Have sex.
.... ehmm .. u / / / / u Do not misunderstand me
. I'm talking about the bed xD.
not get me wrong, I am referring to bed ok?
6. Choose a picture of your favorite outfit on this person.
rain coat
That is the CUTEST ever! ... It looks like a little dress.
Although it was certainly something in this waterproof light green is the cutest thing I've seen ... even just a fan-arts XD reminds me of a dress: S.
7. Choose a picture of your smiling person.
A brilliant smile:). And a bonus Sengoku and Minami puppets;)
A huge smile from ear aoreja;). Gift And Sengoku and Minami in puppet (some day I will one: S)
8. Choose a picture of your half-naked person.
Yes, I know, this picture isn't too cute.
'm a shotacon in a sort of way, am not I?
Yes, I know, and two images are not so tender. But it is the nature of the question that made me do it, I swear! Oo
9. Choose a picture of your person doing an outdoor activity.
Yay! Running in a car. It's looks so funny;)
Yes!, Running in a car .. and I think we are at a good speed.
10. Choose your favorite picture of your person.
This was very Difficult to choose, But I Feel That this is one of my favorites, for now. But, I Have Another favorite.
Because, What is Better Than a cute and innocent Taichichi?
Yes, a Taichi with Urayama ^ ^
Well, I think that's all: S
1.New ichinen trio: http://www.eonet.ne.jp / ~ Dai-ken-eri /
2.Taichi, Ryoma and Kentaro: www.pixiv.net
3.Taichi with apuppy: http://www.eonet.ne.jp/ ~ dai-ken-eri /
4.Taichi and Sakuno grown-up: http://sky.geocities.jp/base74ball/main.html 5.Taichi
on a bed: http://hf.sakuraweb.com/fab/top.html
6.Taichi and Akutsu: http://sdfhn.polian.idv.tw/conago/index.htm
7.Taichi and puppets: http://pipa.jp/tegaki/VTop.jsp
tied 8.Taichi: http://hf.sakuraweb.com/fab/top.html
9.Taichi and Akutsu on a car: http://sdfhn.polian.idv.tw/conago/index.htm
10.Taichi face: http://hf.sakuraweb.com/fab/top.html
11.Urayama and Taichi: http://hf.sakuraweb.com/fab/top.html
You Must visit this site, They Are Wondererful. Would I like to draw like them so beautiful TT