Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chattanooga Movie Theaters freesiaapple @ 2010-03-02T23: 40:00

I'm fine here, after fucking earthquake that rocked Chile.
What else I can say? I just need to contact my family in Talca, nothing more. Hopefully

Monday, March 1, 2010

Master Lock Combination Recovery Tool I'm happier than a partridge ...

I can not believe you've been missing the internet months (well, I did not give her time xD), I'm writing now without something good to tell and that is not fulfilling my duties.

But this link is stirring me the plans:


Thanks to my friend [info] nakuruchan by the news ^ ^

Accordingly, it is said that the first cast of Seigaku return to Tenimyu.

* explodes with happiness on the inside so nobody notices *

Well, what I wanted was fulfilled two years late xD that did not exist a 5th cast

xD Now if only there so I can ShinTenimyu , believing that everything is done dreaming lol.