Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Cystic Fibrosis More Condition_symptoms So long ...
Give me luck \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3
PD Chief mine, I get a day in the scanlation upon arrival, I promise: 3
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Milking Training Nipple House Blurring Lines, Fan fiction, Chapter Eight
Original language: English (
original Author: Lily Winterwood (
Notes: "Nice to meet you, Arthur Kirkland. And in the house of Slytherin? what a surprise ... "
can read it on
(a) (two) (three) (four) (five) (six) (seven)
"Well, what have we here?" Alfred Marcus smiled, amused. "A silly little Gryffindor comes to save the day."
"Take me to me," Alfred said with determination, firmly holding his wand. "Let go of Mattie and take me to me instead."
Matthew looked surprised, by modulating a 'no' repeatedly, pAlfred ero not seem to notice.
"You make the offer more tempting, Gryffindor," said Marcus, drawled. Alfred's blue eyes looked into his eyes challenging blacks. After an intense time, Marcus smiled and with a flick of his wand, Matthew found his voice and the strings around their wrists were in the air, flying like silver snakes.
"Al, do not kill yourself for me, eh" Matthew said hoarsely. Alfred
smiled at her brother. There was a blinding smile, ready for the camera, but a small, tired. "A hero must make sacrificesMattie. "The smile disappeared after that, replaced by a steely determination while facing Alfred Marcus. "Do it."
Marcus's smile disappeared for a split second, but then shook his wand again and with a snap the ropes that were tying silver snake seemed to Alfred to the Chair, Matthew screaming and crying at the same time .
At that time, Arthur rushed to Marcus. The governor hit the ground, covered by Arthur. "Petrificus totallus," muttered the prefect turned rigid.
""A-Arthur?" Whispered Matthew. Arthur nodded, but suddenly shouted Alfred and the boys turned to the chair.
The vibrating chair, a bright light emanating from it. The light surrounded Alfred Arthur did not know who was shouting the name of Alfred, ELO, and Matthew became so bright that the two boys had to cover his eyes.
When the light went out, was another figure in the room, examining the dead body of Alfred in the chair with a slight air of arrogance and disgust.
was tall, and looked like someone who used to be handsome. The weather had desfigurad his face to make it look like a mask without form, or a grotesque figure of wax. Nor had arms, but made up for both the lack of features such as limbs with a menacing aura.
"Thomas Busby," Arthur said quietly. Behind Busby, Alfred unconscious figure seemed a bit shaken.
"Nice to meet you, Arthur Kirkland." Busby's voice was low and raspy, like the hiss of a snake. "And in the House of Slytherin? What a surprise ... "
" What do you want? "Arthur asked suspiciously.
& ldquo; Not much, just to live again. "Busby seemed to smile on one side, but it was hard to tell by the lack of facial features. "I've heard so much about your time ... like the Grand Wizard of the Dark was defeated by a mere child ..."
"It seems so, but not completely dead," said Arthur.
"Yes, because the same techniques used to evade me death." Busby sounded like fun. "Thomas Marvolo Riddle. How odd that share the same name. I hope that when you win a corporeal form oncemore ... I accept in their ranks, and could beat him and take my place in the history books forever. "
Arthur shivered go up and down your spine. "There will be no need for that," he said quickly. "Next year, the boy who defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named start Hogwarts and learn all the magic
necessary to defeat evil forever and ever .
"And you, Arthur Kirkland, Would you trust a mere child?"
Arthur's shoulders slumped slightly. "I am a child right?, Should not have a little faith in my peers?" But there was now a small uncertainty began to be born in mind. What if the legendary Harry Potter, who defeated Lord Voldemort when he was a year ... what if it was not as large as the magic books usually say?
Busby atrásy threw her head began to laugh. "Ohoho, no, Arthur Kirkland. You are more than one child, a little more than your average compañerI, Have not you noticed? You and your cronies are capable of performing magic that the average freshman can not able to understand magic that normal children of eleven years could never understand, able to make potions and fly brooms as people twice your age. Oh no, Arthur Kirkland, you are much more powerful than a child. "If he was not smiling before, definitely did now. "You would be so vital to our ranks, you know. An assistant like you, can produce powerful magic to eleven, not to mention the cunning, daring, intelligence and diligence, you are a credit to the world m marginallI, cal, either way you make. "
" I hope you choose the right one. "
Arthur looked away. Busby moved forward and an invisible force Arthur stroked his cheek, forcing him to look back to the face mask of wax Busby.
"Come with us and will be great. You are in Slytherin for a reason, right? To become a legendary and powerful ... "
Arthur shuddered and turned away, feeling his cheeks burn. On the corner of his eye, he saw Matthew Alfred trying to free from its moorings. "N-not do that. & Amp; rdquo; stammered.
"Do what?"
"Do not bother me, thinking that I will join the Death Eaters because I'm from Slytherin!" Busby
hesitated, Arthur giving courage to continue.
"The hat almost put me in Gryffindor, so you can see I'm not as evil as you think," said Arthur, felt he was just speaking single words. "The qualities of Slytherin House, the last time I checked, were: the ingenuity, cunning and ambition. That is not equivalent to evil, you know. Ayes that was put in Slytherin. Big deal! Y-I'm not evil, I do not plan to be, and never will be. So uhm, thanks but no thanks. I will not join. "
" So we came to this then? Busby's voice was soft. He turned and walked toward Alfred. When he turned to Arthur again, there're confronting a magic wand, Alfred. Arthur
"Let's see how well you and your words support this, bunny." Busby whispered.
A red-hot pain flooded Arthur. Expand, scratching and burning their skin and interior, felt like a thousand knives stuck into them. Fell to the ground, his wand slipped from his hand, his mouth opened in a scream that filled all around. He closed his eyes as if to protect knives and pain.
Death, take me now ...
And the pain disappeared and Arthur opened his eyes.
The cell door was hanging off its axis as if someone had to go down and the room was full of flashing multicolored lights.
& LDQer, more students will not harm, aru! "a voice called," Professor Wang was facing Thomas Busby, whipping her hair tied up in the air as he dodged curse after curse n. Arthur took the opportunity to run to the chair, to Alfred and Matthew.
"No moves, and I can not break the bonds" sobbed Matthew.
"Relashio," murmured Arthur, and the ropes gave way. Alfred Arthur slumped forward and gently removed him from the chair, lying on the ground away from the podium.
"Alfred, silly" Matthew whispered sadly. "I hope you're happy where you are, knowing that you died a hero ..."
A strange Humidity Arthur covered her eyes and a lump in my throat, for ma ; s safe to swallow, not leaving.
"Remember that time we were playing baseball in the yard? You were a very fierce launcher. Mom scolded you for breaking the window, but ended up cooking an apple pie anyway. "Professor Wang
Busby hit with some kind of spell that he was sliding across the floor, marginall gripyou; climbing again was left of his face.
"Remember when we received our letters? Wanted to bring an eagle, but the BOM said only owls, cats, toads, so I bought an owl, eagle and called justice. "Arthur noted
ma ; s past and Alfred Matthew, sobbing a little.
"I do not think you're dead, Al're just sleeping right? And when I say 'wake up', you'll wake up and you will laugh, and say they were just playing with me. "
The teachersWang and Busby r now moved toward the podium, Wang Busby defensive and attacking. Matthew and Arthur had to duck occasionally while some spells passed over their heads.
"Avada Kedavra!" Professor Wang ducked and hit a wall, bounced off and collided with a pillar. The Chinese man stood up and shouted something in Chinese which sent a huge blast of yellow light, and Busby fell, landing in his black clothes.
"Professor!" Arthur stood up well. "Lord, What & aacut este; doing here? "
" I have received news of the disappearance of Matthew, aru. Your friend Francis informed me, aru. "
His expression was grave. "They have to quickly get out of here, aru!"
"Professor, look out!" Matthew shouted, pointing to Busby, who had stood at that time and now cast against Professor Wang
"Aiyah!" Professor Wang tripped and fell on the chair. A black smoke came out of nowhere, surrounding Asia. Maniacal laughter of Busbarand echoed throughout the dungeon, as if bouncing on the walls.
"And now we return. Stupefy! "Arthur dodged the spell of lightheadedness and hid behind a pillar.
"Run, Matthew! Take Alfred! "
" But, what about Professor Wang? "
" I do not know, but Alfred need to see Madam Pomfrey! "Arthur hid after another pillar and dodged the killing curse.
"Impedimenta! "
Suddenly he heard footsteps in the hall,and then the huge figure of Ivan Braginski burst into the room, his wand ready. Behind him were Francis and Nataliya.
"Sourcils" cried Francis.
"Grenouille!" Returned Arthur, feeling breathless. Even being on opposite sides of the room, the two began to laugh, while Ivan corríaa Chair, and emerged moments later, holding on his shoulders to Professor Wang
& ldquo , Francis, take him to the hospital wing, does it? "he said harshly, even when Busby curses, began firing at him. Turning around, the Russian started the match well.
Matthew had managed to bring Alfred to the door. "Alfred hospital also needs to go, eh," he said. Nataliya Alfred nodded and levitated. He walked out, with Alfred in front of her. Francis did the same with Professor Wang
"Je m'appelle Francis Bonnefois to all this," Matthew said, almost conversationally, as they went.
a spell at Arthur shot while he and Ivan Busby was spent, even in grief.It seemed that Ivan did not know many spells do severe damage, but kept the pace for the impermeability teníaa spells that I received. Arthur watched
receive an impressive spell in the chest, almost without losing balance.
"Why do not you go and sit in the chair, asshole?" Snapped Busby.
"I would, but you'll like the results," said Ivan cheerfully as he threw a spell-of-jelly legs to Busby.
"Why not? You'd be dead,Anyway. "
" That's what I think. "With a beaming smile, Ivan walked to the chair and sat down.
La Silla shouted suddenly, as if there were people trapped inside. Began to vibrate fiercely, shooting beams out of it and giving to the chest Busby. Arthur looked
Busby, who appeared to be splitting piece by piece. The chair still screaming in agony. With a loud CRUNCH! the chair broke in what appeared to be millions of pieces, and also Busby left with her.
IvvahNo rose, the chair flying embers of the evening breeze, the pieces scattered throughout the dungeon.
"Hello, Arthur," he said, his deep voice, but somehow reminded of a child.
"Hello, Ivan."
"Beautiful evening, da?" Are we going to see the other, does it make? "The Hufflepuff left the room, the yellow and black scarf flying in the breeze.
Arthur turned to the remains of the chair. "See, Thomas Busby," he said, his voice with false joy.
His only response was a rustling soundwind through the desolate dungeon. _ * _
translation Notes:
Sourcils: eyebrows
Grenouille: Frog
Bonnefois Je m'appelle Francis: My name is Francis Bonnefois
_ * _
(continued on the part nine)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Bench Swimsuits Collections Table illusory: # 30 Again
Fandom: CSI: New York
Claim: Don Flack / Jessica Angell
Table: Here!
Topic: # 30 - Once again
Title: She's gone.
Summary: was there, in front of you. Life had been given a second chance.
Notes: Maybe one another spoiler. Today I saw that episode (the end of the fifth season). Hell, I almost cried.
The title comes from this chapter, Flacsat on the sofa, he opened a bottle and started drinking, alternating between fast and slow, his eyes lost in the distance, evoking memories that still remained fresh in his head.
When he had drunk who knows how many beers, he felt sleepy, he would not go to his bed, he preferred to lie there, where he was, and go with the weight that now invaded; gradually fell into a deep sleep I thought I needed . did not know how long he had slept, when he heard a female voice saying his name, urging him to get up, because she had work to do. His voice was familiar, at first thought it was Stella, who came to find out what had happened, because none wereOur company come to work at the usual time, then realized that Stella could not enter your apartment just like that, and that
that was not his voice. He opened his eyes, a little annoyed by sunlight coming through a window. By looking at the person standing beside him, blinked, thinking it was a dream, but this was real, tried to speak, but the newly formed lump in his throat prevented it.
- What am I doing here? Is that what you want to know? - She asked, he nodded "It's a long story," he added "I'm sorry I put you through. "I have time, you can tell me - he replied, recovering his composure. -No. You have to go to work. "But ... " It's a long story. Go when you get back I'll be here. I promise. "And you tell me how is that ...
" We can leave that for later, do not you think?
There was no answer because, in reality, Flack does not care much for the reason, thinking it only mattered that she was there. And though I could not imagine why she had done everything he did, chose to accept his apology to form conjectures. After all, he had to regain that lost time, saying what had been said before ... So many things, not knowing where to start. You really had to go to work? I wanted to be with her,
really wanted to be with her
Jessica sat next to him, without looking away from her face had been so long since the last time I had seen. Glad you see it, as it was now: a little happy, a little nervous. Nevertheless, Flack went to work, she had insisted, after all know defense. He seemed like an eternity days, from arrival at the crime scene to the capture and imprisonment of the guilty, all the while his mind was heading for the girl who waited in the apartment. Before returning to the station, at the end of the day, exchanged a few words with Danny, promising that he would go for a drink with him one of those days, then hastily took leave and went to the station, it had a reportto deliver.
"Hi - Jessica said when she saw him enter, was sitting in his desk chair Why did it take so long?
"I'm sorry -" he muttered. He took a folder and went, a few seconds back, ready to go, "Why did you come? - He asked.
- I can not come to visit?
"Sure you can. You could also go back to work. Something in his tone sounded like a plea, so Jessica decided to think about it, told him, taking care to hide the fear that kept returning to the fact. He seemed grateful, and it seemed that enough.
Flack led the way to his apartment, listening to what Jessica had to say; claror had been warned before that was a condensed version of all the long and convoluted history. Asked no questions, only heard and understood each and every one of his reasons.
Again, the detective opened the door of his apartment, just tired. However, this time, the feeling of loneliness was gone. She was with him, it made him feel much better.
- Want to make dinner? - She asked. "I have hunger," he said "I'll sleep. -Ah. Wait. In a second I'm there. Flack walked, almost ran, towards his bed. It quickly shed his clothes and lay down, covering her with blankets while waiting. She took as minutes, which seemed too long Flack, wanted her in his arms, feeling his body to his hand, caresses of their hands, closed her eyes and imagining lying on the bed beside her.
felt a weight on his chest, interrupting her fantasy as opening his eyes he saw his brown hair, that they both missed, I stroked a long time, until he decided to break the silence:
-Jess, maybe ... -. He paused, then hearing her name, she did not move ... Jess - shook slightly, was asleep. Decided to leave it alone and concentrate instead on the texture of her skin beneath his hands, another thing I missed it, and at last her eyes closed, overcome by sleep, with a strange joy of growing slowlyclash within himself and the woman he loved sleeping beside him. ***
still half asleep, Flack turned and fell down, got up, sore, cursing. I expected to hear a laugh, however, there was no sound. Missed looked around, did not recall the time that had gone to sleep in the sofa was very comfortable in the bed with her.
- Jess? - Called, looking around, looking for her, went to her room, she should be on the bed, but the room was clean, the bed made and not a trace of Jessica. Flack
searched his things until you find your mobile phone, searched his contact number for Jessica, that he had given while they were in the car the previous nightr. When he found his name on the list, marked ...
"The number you have dialed is out of service"
Flack tried again, then again, then a third time. The did you check the number, you may be missing a digit, or he was wrong to keep it, the number was the same as it was before he died and that he still retained.
Slowly, he sat on the bed. Landing heavily on reality Jessica Angell was gone. All that happened was a dream. The liquor had been given a chance to live that dream, to feel freely and without fear, to dream and remember.
This, again, a final again.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Wholesale Blunt Wraps Table Moments: # 26 and # 12
Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Claim: Spike Spiegel / Julia
Table: Here!
Topic: # 26 - Farewell
Title: Adieu
Summary: He was surprised to see it. But agredecía to do so.
Warnings: Possible Spoilers
Disclaimer: Cowboy Bebop not mine
He had become aver, did not expect. Much less expected such confusion. What joy or disappointment was better? Yes, he believed in his words, but she had abandoned. Yes, I had left, but now he was there in front of him.
later decided that it would take, the priority now was to escape. Save your life, then have time to do everything they wanted. His thoughts were sailing to a more frenetic pace than his career. Only stopped when he heard a gunshot, and the familiar sound of a body falling to the floor, Spike turned quickly, ran to her, took her in his arms. No. I could not die, not now. They had much to do, both to live. Everything around her changed when she closed her eyes, leaving his body vround in the arms of Spike, who was confused, angry, lost.
But most of all, desperate and disillusioned. Even this last time it was fired.
Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Claim: Spike Spiegel / Julia
Table: Here!
Topic: # 12 - Blizzard
Search Summary: may have to enter. I did not want to hear cursing.
Warnings: The same as always: Possible Spoilers
Disclaimer: Cowboy Bebop not mine
The morning wind gently tossed her hair. His eyes closed, breathing deeply, ignoring the pain of his recent injury. Julia was looking, he feared had been missed, or worse, that it had discovered there and had done something.
His fears vanished when he saw him sitting there, with his face to the wind. He paused in the doorway, a few seconds then left.
- What are you doing here? You should be in your bed, resting.
"No, Julia. I'm fine - Spike said, stood up coNo intention to prove it to Julia, however, lost her balance, she managed to hold it before it fell.
- See? Need rest.
- What do I have to do to obey me, Spike? -. He had hardly finished speaking, a strong breeze blew, Julia cursed, did not like the wind. Spike smiled.
"Well - he said, but the smile disappeared from his lips" We'll have to go.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Femaleship Of The String Free Streaming HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! 1
'm Officially 21 years old from now.
I can not believe that already has 21 runs
I can not believe that I'm an adult (That's not me and I think xD)
I can not believe my favorite gift this birthday season has been Digimon 02 full in English Latin (my sister Hime Viva!)
I can not believe that this year has been special to know Hetalia (even that well ... I miss him Tierrita nomas better)
Well Now it was time more important, to ask gifts xD
life I only ask that someone get me a picture of Hiyoshi as a boy and I think it is official, but I'm not sure & nbsp; if so, I'll settle for the really cute fanarts: S.
If you can, a little message of congratulations I would fall ill, no \u0026lt;3
See \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3
PS: To my friends from LJ and I know they speak English xD: The loves them \u0026lt;3
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Diagram Parts Of A Sailboat House Blurring Lines, Fan fiction, Chapter seven
House Original language: English (
original Author: Lily Winterwood (
Notes: Alfred appeared at the library, nervous and wide-eyed. Mattie''disappeared! ". Arthur Francis and exchanged glances. "Who?" They asked in unison.
can read it on :
All the pieces fit andNo place
"Tsk, other?" Madame Pomfrey chuckled. Arthur nodded, Madeline Francis accommodated in bed.
"How did you find?"
"In the same way we find the prefect," said Arthur.
Madam Pomfrey shook his head and walked to a closet, rummaging inside.
"Is there anything we can do for her? Will he succeed? "Said Francis, and Arthur was almost overwhelmed with emotion he saw in the eyes of french & amp; eacute; s.
"There's nothing you two can do for her, and do not know whether it will survive."
"But the prefect ..."
"The governor survived, yes, but I think Ms. Desmarais is a different case. "
" What about the brother of Arthur, Arawn? He returned after a while ... "
" He had limited exposure to the curse. Sorry, Mr. Bonnefois. There is nothing I can do for Ms. Desmarais at the moment. " Arthur and Francis
againsadly to their dormitories.
_ * _
The Christmas holiday ended, and Nataliya again. Entered the Great Hall during breakfast, and looking for someone in the crowd.
Or two. She and Arthur made eye contact, she smiled, and ran up to him. Francis had seen it too, got up and hugged her before he came to Arthur.
"Sorry, sorry. I am so sorry I left you aside in recent months, "he said.
"It's nothing. I'm sorry I insulted Madeline, "respondi it. Arthur looked over the shoulder of Francis, and smiled. "I also regret being rude to you, Arthur."
"Okay," he said, joining the hug too. From the other side of the room, Alfred began to applaud.
"That's not something you see in the Slytherin table every day," said someone at the head table, Arthur was Professor Dumbledore, with a serene smile on his face.
_ * _
Nataliya Now that Francis and had returned to talk volvíaa normal life. Or at least
normal life can be at Hogwarts.
"Where is Nataliya?" Asked Arthur French just entered the library. Exams are approaching, and Arthur found himself spending nearly all his free time there.
"With Ivan on the wing of the hospital, visiting Madeline." Francis sat next to Arthur.
"Is she all right?"
"Non. A month ago that attacked her chair, and not yet awake. C'est m'inquiète. "Francis opened his book Defense Against the Artis dark and began to do their homework.
Arthur turned his attention his own work, just as Alfred came to the library, with eyes wide open.
"Mattie disappeared!"
Francis and Arthur looked up. "Who?" They asked in unison.
"Mattie, my brother! Hufflepuff, wavy hair, wearing a polar bear ... "Alfred was silent and nervously ran a hand through his hair. "Hey, Artie, you have to help me find it!"
"Whywas lost in the first place? "
" I do not know! "Alfred seemed near hysteria. "Look, we're friends, do not Artie? Even if you are in Slytherin and Gryffindor and I should hate you and stuff ... "
Arthur winced. "Oh, okay, I'll help. P-and-but only because I finished my homework and I have nothing better to do, not as if I liked it or something! "Behind him he heard Francis chuckled . "Shut up, frog!"
CHTML _ * _XC "Surely not in your common room? It's pretty easy to overlook, you know. "I said to Alfred Arthur as they ran to check the Slytherin common room.
"I asked Lorinatis Toris. And Eduard von Bock said he was not in Ravenclaw Tower, although I have no idea what was going to be there of all places. Do you think you are in the Slytherin common room? "
" I've seen Gilbert sometimes, "said Arthur as he stood against the wall.
Serpentine ! "
The wall was opened and the two entered the room. All that stood Slytherin Common Room reacted to the presence of Alfred.
"What think you're doing, Kirkland, bringing to a bloody Gryffindor get here?" Someone snapped.
"None of your business," growled Arthur.
"Oh?" The Slytherin stood, it was huge and looked like a fool. "Are you saying you're better than me, Kirkland? You have no respect, right? "
" AqUelle have my respect you have earned "Arthur snapped, drawing his wand. He looked at Alfred. "Go into the bedroom of men and looking for Gilbert. He may know. "
" No, I will stay here and help you. "
" Want to save your brother or what, Jones? "
Alfred paused and then ran to the bedroom. Arthur turned back to Slytherin.
"I will not send you to the hospital wing shattered" he said.
"As if you could," said Sltytherin, drawing his wand as well."
Stupefy! "
Arthur dodged the red beam. "
Locomotor mortis! "
The Slytherin fell to the ground as he pointed his wand at Arthur, shouted"
Impedimenta! "
Arthur found himself being thrown back, crashed into a closet, skulls flew everywhere. The other students were sheltered. Returning to his feet, yelled, "
Incarcerous! "
silver ropes tied to Slytherin, from head to toe. Arthur examinednot his work.
"Funny, did not know that freshmen could do that," whispered a girl. Arthur looked at her but she quickly looked away.
Alfred ran back to the dorms. "Mattie was not there," he said, "Gilbert has no idea where I can be."
Arthur sighed and kicked the Slytherin tied. "Let's go."
_ * _
"Where do we go?" Alfred shouted as they ran. "No mand like this place, may be ghosts! "
Arthur could not help it, he stopped and started laughing so hard she almost begins to hurt the stomach. "Alfred F. Jones has been on a ghost-infested castle for almost a year, what they still afraid? "
" But ... does a lot of jokes and Peeves is a poltergeist
! "
" Peeves is not a real ghost, Alfred. "Arthur leaned against the wall, clutching his stomach. Her eyes widened in surprise when he suddenly fell through the wall.
& ldquo; ARTHUR! "Alfred heard shouting, then a shot off against the wall.
"Alfred Do not worry, I'm not hurt!" He shouted to the American. "It's a hidden dungeon, Francis, Nataliya and I found few months ago. Sit back against the wall to enter! "
Alfred fell through the wall a moment later. "What is this place?" He whispered.
"The hiding place of the Chair of Busby," said Arthur, looking toward the podium. There was a chair, bathed por the moonlight. On one side was the door into the hallway of the hospital wing. That door opened suddenly.
"Hide," he muttered Alfred, dragging the Gryffindor behind a pillar.
saw two figures enter.
"Silence, fool." Snapped a voice.
"Hey, please, Mr. Lesauvage, we can solve this another way?"
"Silence!" The second person is stopped immediately. "Now, Matthew Williams, right? I ayudarása resurrect an ancient power. See that chair? IsBusby's Chair. You'll sit there. "
Alfred's eyes went wide of horror, he looked about to attack and save Matthew. Arthur stopped him.
"Fool! You shall kill us! "He muttered.
"But I can not stay here and let that Lesauvage kill my brother" Arthur blinked
, the pieces fell into place.
"Look. Lesauvage Marcus is acting voluntarily. The first attack of the chair, my brother-Arawn Arawn was an accident and survived because he was not prolonged exposure to the chair & Illip, the second attack was to Marcus. At that time, made the chair so possessed or something. I do not know how, but he sat in the chair and how he became his ally, survived. The third attack was Madeline. Wake of the attack yet, because it was attacked on purpose. Now Matthew will be next, but not Lesauvage who is attacking, nor was he who attacked Lesauvage Madeline.
is the chair. " Alfred
sat and leaned heavily on the pillar. "My brother," he complained. Arthur Marcus and Matthew watched as they approached the chair. “ My brother can not die. Even if it's boring and not-great, my brother and I love him. "
Arthur looked at his wand. Alfred looked at Arthur.
"I can not stand this, Artie, I must save him! I'm a hero! "
" Alfred, you will kill you! "
" I DO NOT CARE! MATTHEW IS MY BROTHER! "Then Arthur noted, with eyes in horror, as Alfred was hurled into the stage from behind the pillar, brandishing his wand.
_ * _ Continued on
(Part eight)
Friday, August 13, 2010
Green Hydrocodoine Mg La Guitarra [Hisagi / Matsumoto fanfic]
Characters: Shuuhei Hisagi . Ichigo Kurosaki.
Notes: Tomorrow is the birthday of Shuuhei. That's why I came.
Ah! Another thing, is based on the omake Chapter 280. However, no spoilers.
Disclaimer: "Not Bleach or its characters belong to me, they belong to Kubo-sensei" _______________________________________________________
Since Shuuhei had found that guitar during a mission in the human world, had decided to learn to draw music from those strings. In the same way they used these long-haired men were seen leaving in that strange place.
wanted to learn. And to do that same thing they did: Song. Many girls love him and shout his name in hopes of one of the beautiful melodies of his guitar. But above all, looking for any one of those girls scream his name and asked you another song, only she would bring it one, two, three, a million times, anything to please her. Only she would give everything she asked. Only her lips wanted to hear his name. Only her.
Unfortunately, during your birth (or death) had not been awarded the much-needed valuable gift: musical talent. I could not help taking a tune melody every time his fingers touched the strings of the instrument and the members of his division huían every time I listened. Even his former captain had suggested "dedicated to the welfare and progress of the Ninth Division, which translated means" Let and annoy others with this thing you call music and do what you do best. "
Nevertheless, Shuuhei did not give up, decided to leave, first a remote place in the Rukongai and then the human world. After the first few kids booed. There, he became "the spectrum who played guitar." There was the substitute who found him. They looked at each one wanting to mourn, one with a strange feeling inside himself, something close to shame.
After a bit of discomfort, both regained their c shinigamiompostura, the substitute was first to speak:
- What are you doing? - He asked and was not sure that the noise he heard was music. The lieutenant looked at the guitar. "Oh. That. You should go home from Chad. He ... "She stopped once to notice the sad look of the shinigami, then realized that the situation was not that Chad had repented of trying to teach, but Shuuhei wanted to learn for himself. I was not having much success, of course.
-Rangiku-san ... - Shuuhei muttered, a little surprised himself by pretending to confess to their intention-Ichigo ... I wanted to learn a song for her.
-Ah. That's that. With much effort, Ichigo had failed to understand the last frase. Without knowing exactly what to say, that was all that he had been at the helm.
"Something like that.
No more words for a few minutes. In which, Shuuhei never stopped looking at the guitar, and Ichigo was wondering what to do. It was then, by a twist of fate, Rukia appeared there, looking at Ichigo. Upon seeing him, went to the salon, recriminations ne aloud have left her alone:
- I told you I'll wait! Why do you always want to do things by yourself?
- Why scold me, dwarf? - He answered.
- Because you deserve it, idiot! -. Rukia came to the hall, with the intention to give a blow to his companion, but the view inside the stopped - ... Hisagi-san-Ku
chiki-san, "the lieutenant returned the salute.
-Ichigo, what are you doing here?
"Nothing," he replied, "Just talked to Hisagi-san. Come dwarf. And without saying a word, he was, Rukia gave him a last look at the lieutenant, before muttering a farewell and go after the replacement.
Once he was alone, Shuuhei he touched the guitar strings with his fingers slowly. This time, something like the tune you wanted to accomplish, rang. And it sounded good. Tried again and it worked. He smiled, perhaps, failed to have a million screaming girls around him, but if you only had one at his side, seemed enough.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Popuptimes Coachmen Futura Table moments: # 2 - # 5, # 9, # 22
Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Claim: Spike Spiegel / Julia
Table: Here!
Topic: # 02 - Risk
Title: die or be killed
Summary: Spike knew how much he risked falling in love with Julia ...
Warnings: Possible Spoilers
Notes: "OOC? That seems ...
Disclaimer: Cowboy Bebop not mine
Spike knew how much he risked falling in love with Julia, but also knew that "in matters of the heart, no reason demands" and his heart and reason were far, most of the time. Many times, the risk was nearly fatal, but he came out unscathed, either because of their skill or good luck. Julia
hated and used to scold him in danger, more often than seemed enough to Spike:
- Do not you realize you can die?
"I'd rather die for their lives," answered Spike.
"That's ... So," replied Julia.
"Let me finish ... I would rather lose his life at a young age, but with good cause, to die old and without"Sounds ideal
" Well ... right?
"Rather ridiculous.
"Well, well ... I would rather run the risk of being ridiculed as" ridiculous "I said to deny that it is one of the most successful things that have happened to me lately.
Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Claim: Spike Spiegel / Julia
Table: Here!
Topic: # 03 -
Meeting Title: Surprise
Summary: The fact that accurate mind that day was Vocious birthday was very convenient. For both.
Warnings: Possible Spoilers
Notes: not appear Spike / Julia ... That is "implicit."
Disclaimer: Cowboy Bebop not mine
Vicious had just returned from Venus, and did some shopping, preparing for a night with his girl. He bought food for birds, dogs and a number of animals, of course, also bought food for humans, something that neither he nor Julia used to eat, but always disappeared from the fridge. He used the time left to buy a pair of shoes and a reGallo knew Julia went to worship, unfortunately it would take too much time that night. I wanted a beer before arriving home, ended up drinking three one whiskey finally departed.
Upon arrival, he was surprised to feel a strange aura of happiness that appeared from the apartment, walked to the door and heard a sound as of voices, one of them, Julia, the other made him familiar, but not was identified. Quickly opened and found to Spike and Julia sitting on the couch, drinking a glass of wine.
"That I find so ...
- Unexpected?
"I thought you were ...
- On Earth? I went back earlier.
- What are you doing here? - Asked Viciousan obvious tone of disbelief in his voice.
- not ruin - interrupted Julia, as she rose, and went towards the kitchen. After a while, returned with a small box. "Happy birthday - she said was supposed to be a surprise, but came before.
The question has not responded, but rather made a face that looked like a smile. The cries of the black bird, locked in a cage in the kitchen seemed to contradict the intention of Spike and Julia.
"Happy birthday, Vicious - Spike said, looking at the woman standing beside him. She smiled
"Yes, I know. Very convenient
Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Claim: Spike Spiegel / Julia
Table: Here!
Topic: # 04 - Change
Title: New look
Summary: Spike recalled that the previous day had said something to change, but did not refer to that.
Disclaimer: Cowboy Bebop not mine
I do not know why I like to dress well, Spike - he told Julia to see.
- "So, how?, He replied, raising an eyebrow.
"Well ... well
" There's nothing wrong.
-look like a teenager. Yesterday you said you wanted a change, I just want to help you. Spike
recalled that the previous day had said something to change, but not meant. Did not really know exactly what he meant.
"Do what you want - told Julia, and then get into bed. He heard the door open and close. He wondered what the hell I wanted Julia, after a while, he forgot and fell asleep.
Later, still half asleep, obeyed without question Spike orders Julia to get what he had bought. She was sure she was going to get usedr.
And it was. Little by little, he used to his new clothes. Despite being all black, she felt. Julia, do not hesitate to express how good it felt to that change.
Years later, when circumstances were to change his life with Julia, by a near-solitary life in the Bebop, also changed his clothes. For some items a bit different, which made him look almost clumsy, his smoking habit became more recurrent.
Sometimes changes look Spike were linked to changes in the stages of his life.
Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Claim: Spike Spiegel / Julia
Table: Here!
Topic: # 05 - Determination
Title: Reasons
Disclaimer: Cowboy Bebop not mine
This time Spike Vicious met within the Church had done with complete conviction to end it, for many reasons, counting, - reluctantly, "including the possibility that he might harm Faye. However, ctutor (literally), and had to wait a while. Also, he had endured a beating of the girl, all in silence, because the bandages on his body prevented him from speaking.
The last time I met him, also had a conviction, but this time it was clearer, and had absolutely nothing to do with Faye. He was determined to stop this at once, to take what he had taken, to hurt. In his mind, nothing ever been so clear.
But above all things, great determination, was to go back to Julia and tell him what he could never say out loud.
Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Claim: Spike Spiegel / Julia
Table: Here!
Topic: # 09 - Truth
Title: Options
Summary: sometimes costs a little to admit certain things.
Disclaimer: Cowboy Bebop not mine
Sometimes there are things that exist, but simply do not want to admit, perhaps for fear, fear of losing everything just to support them. Both Julia and Spike encontraron at a crossroads similar for a while, both had trouble admitting that they knew was there only out of fear. And believe they had no choice.
And this fear of choosing wrong, deny their feelings. Until finally decided to risk everything by admitting the truth that was in their hearts, their minds and clung to them with passion, with decision.
Confessing this truth, I never thought it was too late, as less doubted his sincerity, chose to be together without seeing, "or perhaps, without admitting," who risked more than they had in their hands.
Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Claim: Spike Spiegel / Julia
Table: Here!
Topic: # 22 - Time
Longer Summary:
Disclaimer: Cowboy Bebop not mine
Spike While watching the white-haired man sitting beside the girl with one arm around his shoulders, he wanted the time pass quickly, like a breath of wind or lightning illuminating the sky.
But, como if your only intention is torture, clockwise seemed unwilling to move, so that the time was eternal. Spike tried to avert his gaze, but could not, his eyes were stuck in that place and those people. Julia
noticed it was observed, raised his eyes and looked at Spike, a smile played on his lips. Those were the few times that time seemed to stop and Spike had no complaints about it.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
The Balance Of Power Footscribe Lolz meme
Pick your birth month. / Grab your birth month. Strike out anything ♀
That Does not Apply to you. / Cross out everything that does not apply to you. ♀
Bold the five-ten best That Apply To You. / Put in bold the phrases that best apply to you (between 5 and 10). ♀
Copy to your own journal, with all twelve months under a lj-cut. / Copy it to your LJ, with the twelve months under a lj-cut. ♀
Tag 5 people from your friends list. / Taggea to 5 people on your f-list.
FEBRUARY: Abstract Thoughts
. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive
JANUARY: Stubborn
and hard-hearted. Ambitious and Serious. Loves to teach and
FEBRUARY: Abstract Thoughts
. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to Reach Goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when to restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and Easily hurt. Gets Angry Easily But Does Not really show it. Dislikes Unnecessary Things. Loves making fBut it shows Rarely riends. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realize Dreams and Hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Not Romantic on the inside outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.
MARCH: Attractive personality
. Sexy. Affectionate. Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, Generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to Others. Loves to serve Others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesse Others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves Attention. Hasty Decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented. Things Loves special. Moody.
APRIL: Active and dynamic
. Decisive andBut Tends to regret hasty. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves Attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Gentle and Generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving. Motivate oneself and Others. Usually Sickness of the head and chest. Sexy in a Way That Their only lover can see.
Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and Highly motivated. Sharp Thoughts. Easily angered. Others Attracts Attention and loves. Deep feelings. Physically beautiful and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily console. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Usually Sickness in the ear and neck. Good imagineion. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike Being at home. Restless. HAVING Not Many Children. Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift.
JUNE: Thinks far with vision
. Easily Influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, Tends to delay. Choosy and always Wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good Debating skills. Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Able to show character. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when to hurt. Brand conscious. Executive. Stubborn.
JULY: Fun to be with
. Secretive. Difficult to fathomand to Be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily console. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and Easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving But Never Forgets. Dislikes nonsensical and Unnecessary Things. Physically and mentally Guides Others. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats Others Equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people Through observations. Hardworking. No Difficulties in Studying. Loves to be alone. Always Broods about the past and the old friends. Likes to be quiet. Homely person. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless Provoked. Prone to having stomach and dieting problems. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt But Takes long to recover.
AUGUST: Loves to joke
. Attractive. Suave and caring. Brave and fearless. Firm and has leadership qualities. Knows how to console Others. Too Generous and egoistic. Takes high pride in oneself. Thirsty for praise. Extraordinary spirit. Easily angered. Angry When Provoked. Easily jealous. Observant. Careful and Cautious. Thinks quickly. Independent Thoughts. Loves to lead and to Be led. Loves to dream. Talented in the arts, music and defense. Sensitive But Not petty. Poor resistance Against Illnesses. Learns to relax. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. Loves to make friends.
SEPTEMBER: Suave and Compromising
. Careful, Cautious and Organized. Likes to point out people's mistakes. Likes to criticize. Stubborn. Quiet But Able to talk well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal But Not always honest. Does work well. Very confident. Sensitive. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Must control oneself when to criticizing. Able to MOTIVATE oneself. Understanding. Fun to be around. Secretive. Loves leisure and traveling. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Very choosy, Especially in relationships. Systematic.
OCTOBER: Loves to chat
. Loves Those Who Loves Them. Loves to take Things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies But Does not pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt But recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does Not Care of What Others Think. Emotional. Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and Easily jealous. Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily Influenced. Easily Loses confidence. Loves Children.
NOVEMBER: Has a lot of
ideas. Difficult to fathom. Thinks forward. Unique and brilliant. Extraordinary ideas. Sharp thinking. Fine and strong clairvoyance. Can Become good doctors. Dynamic in personality. Secretive. Inquisitive. Knows how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative But amiable. Brave and Generous. Patient. Stubborn and hard-hearted. If There Is a Will, There Is A Way. Determined. Never give up. Hardly Becomes angry unless Provoked. Loves to Be theone. Thinks Differently from Others. Sharp-minded. Motivate oneself. Does Not Appreciate praise. High-spirited. Well-built and tough. Deep love and emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy. Honest and Keeps secrets. Not Able to control emotions. Unpredictable.
DECEMBER: Loyal and Generous
. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and Interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in Organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praise. Loves Attention. Loves to be loved. Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egotistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates Restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Lymphedema More Condition_symptoms Tenimyu SEASON 2!
... and I'm not so happy ... I wonder why?
Maybe, Because I wanted my TeniPuri Myu Shin, pero well ...
On the Other Hand, this first new cast looks so young and cute. And ... MORI AND THERE ARE Uchimura IMUSTBEHAPPYFORTHAT! 111!
That Means That maybe, I Would See other minor characters from Another schools. That Would Be So Nice \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3
Well, if you Did not know about this, here is the link of Some videos
D2 There Are Several mebers in this cast.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Traditional Chinese Thank You Card Phrases Table illusory: # 24 Resisting the urge
Fandom: CSI: NY
Claim: Don Flack / Jessica Angell
Table: Here!
Topic: # 24 - Resisting the urge
Title: Incredible
Summary: Flack wanted to follow. Could not, but wanted. There was only one thing that made him forget.
Notes: 1. A rare letter in a strange day ... Possible spoilers.
2. [Tam can also read here in ]
Disclaimer: Neither CSI NY, nor its characters belong to me. If so ... Angell had not died.
The first time I had seen, had not paid much attention.
The second time, something made him look more carefully.
During their first days together as a team, the more time I spent with her, plus looking. A couple of times, Angell discovered him with his eyes fixed on her, he hid, mumbling excuses.
She decided to wait. Like a good detective, watching his companion, gathered clues that could lead to the conclusion I expected.It was a little difficult to accept, but actually kept some hope in it, while trying to hide so many reactions that caused her teammate, while trying to resist the urge to tell everything or even embark on it. No. She was not from those women. So I waited.
And his waiting paid off. She wanted the fruits, the fruits that came forward from a while back, when he made what surprised her in a very pleasant. Both were thankful, they no longer had any need to hide anything, to make jokes behind which they hid their feelings.
With it everything becomes simple. With it everything becomes simple.
Suddenly, at one stroke and she no longerStaba. Her life had been a blow. So fast that Flack had trouble assimilating. So brutal that the image appeared constantly in his dreams. So incredible that only drinking could forget and contained. Contain the impulse to run. Go behind it and follow it. And find it, wherever it was.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Micro Metal Core Wheels House Blurring Lines, Fan fiction, Chapter Six
House Original language: English (
original Author: Lily Winterwood (
You can read it on :
(Part One) (Part II) (Part Three) (Part Four) (Part Five)
Party six
The invriday became spring, the snow has melted completely, to reveal the green grass covered with flowers.
"Bah" Francis complained, as he dropped on a sofa near the fireplace in the Slytherin common room. Just because the spring had come not mean that the temperature had become more enjoyable.
"What?" Asked Arthur, without taking your eyes off your trial Baldric tedious boredom. "Another girl broke your heart?"
"ouais" This caused look at Arthur.
"Well, who?" He asked, taking note of the disheveled appearance of Francis. "The girl Lisette?"
"Non," said Francis, looking really sad. "C'est Madeline."
"Madeline Desmarais?"
"You left? By whom? "Arthur looked at his trial and dipping his pen again. When he looked to Francis, he realized that the Frenchman was almost on the verge of tears, she gestured to speak again.
At that time, Nataliya rushed into the common room, his eyes and messy hair.
"How dare you!?" He shouted, drawing the attention of the other Slytherin.
"Who?" Nguyen Hue asked from across the room.
"Ivan!" Nataliya clung to a chair for balance, swayed a bit from where it was. "What you see in that bitch Gryffindor, anyway?"
Judging by the way hab & Francisiacute; a bristling, Arhur realized who the new boyfriend of Madeline.
Francis stood up and walked to Nataliya. "Madeline is a bitch," he growled, his face red with rage.
"As long as you're the epitome of loyalty!" She shouted back. "I have been extremely loyal to my brother -"
"It's more like very obsessive" muttered Arthur. Nataliya turned to him as well.
"The issue is not with you, eyebrows! And make up your mind, who do you like-Alfred orFrancis? "
The question found him off guard, and before he knew it, had turned bright red and had drawn his wand. "How dare you ask that?" He hissed.
"Oh, I dare!" Nataliya laughed. "Do not think I've noticed the way you blush when one of them comes to you!"
"I, Do not talk to me as if I was not here," Francis cut, taking out his wand too. Nataliya
pulled out his wand in the same way. Ustede two I should not say how I feel, "she growled.
"And you have no right to call a girl for something other than" said Francis, "Madeline is a bitch!"
"Well, it does take a to recognize that, right? "
Francis moved winding. " Confringo! "Nataliya
maldicióny dodged that crashed into a table, that erupted in flames. Immediately several students tried to put out the fire, while Nataliya stood and grit & oacute;, " Impedimenta! "
Francis spell hit in the feet, and sent him crashing into another table, his eyes hardened, and raised his wand. " Incar - "
"STOP!" Arthur shouted, darting between the two. Stood still spells both died on his lips.
Arthur looked at Francis and then to Nataliya, her green eyes wide and his chest with difficulty breathing. "Say you're sorry" he snapped.
"I will if he does" groups & ntilof, or Nataliya, Francis raised his nose with proud air in a gesture typical of him. ________________________________________
Arthur felt very lonely now that Francis and Nataliya not talking-not even made eye contact. Alfred was not being helpful, and the U.S. would never know how close he came to being strangled by the British.
The Common Room lost its grace and Arthur began to spend much more the library, reading book after book, looking for take after take something about the curse of the Chair of Busby.
The library was the preferred placethe Ravenclaw, especially this one. Arthur began to notice only after his fifth trip to the library was a Japanese guy who looked quiet and was always in a corner reading a book. Occasionally there was another guy with him, but in general was alone.
the boy was asked whether it would be interesting or useful.
"Hello" said a voice. Arthur looked up from his task of potions. It was the Japanese guy.
"Hi" he replied. "Who are you?"
"I Kiku Honda," said the boy, bringing youdo a bow. Arthur nodded, smiling and gesturing to sit.
"It's good to know, I'm Arthur Kirkland."
"I knew that," said Kiku, but seeing the look slightly surprised Arthur, apologized. "Forgive me, but I know your name because I remember seeing you during the selection" Her cheeks were pink as sakura trees. Kiku
Honda Arthur was exactly as I had thought-quiet and smart. He liked being with Kiku, it was a nice change from the bustling American and French pervert. When not in the librarya, the two sat in a quiet corner with cups of tea, Arthur was delighted that at last he could find someone to share his appreciation for the beverage.
"Do you know something about the Busby chair?" Arthur asked the day before the holidays, Kiku not stay at Hogwarts and Arthur wanted to know if the little Japanese boy , s had something to contribute to the mystery.
"Yes" Kiku said, nodding, "I learned from Yao."
"Yao?" Asked Arthur.
cheeks Kikuturned pink. "Oh forgive me Arthur. I was referring to Professor Wang, is a distant relative of mine. "
Arthur smiled. "Okay," he said. "Can you tell me what you said about the chair?"
Kiku looked at him with concern. "It's legendary," he said, his tone quiet and calm. "And yet, many legends have walked to the truth. Busby is a chair, and is at Hogwarts "
" That thought "Arthur said, sipping his tea and looking towards the castle. They sat under a tree on the shore of the lake, theGiant squid tentacles moved lazily in the air. Looking towards the castle, Arthur could see, barely, the tall figure of Ivan Braginsky and considerably shorter Professor Wang "I found a similar chair in the dungeons a few months ago. & Rdquo ;
"Professor Wang did not say the location," said Kiku amazed, had spilled some tea. "Oh sorry, I spilled my tea."
"That is perfectly normal, no?" Arthur noted Professor Wang and Ivan passed through the grass.
Kiku's voice sounded nervous. "Well, anyway, the Director is concerned that the chair into the hands of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. You see, Professor Dumbledore does not believe that Harry Potter has been completely defeated, even now as we speak, trying to take a corporeal form. I agree with him, if I may, and if He Who Must Not Be Named comes to the Silla of Busby is a matter of time until the use against Harry Potter. So the fact that the chair is here ... is cause for concern, but most students do not know. I think Professor Wang est marginallyou, trying to break the curse, I hope so. "
Arthur nodded, and the two stood in silence, broken only by birdsong. Looking towards the castle, Madeline and Francis were in sight, walking and laughing.
"Did you hear about Madeline and Ivan?" Suddenly asked Arthur.
Kiku nodded. "They've been seeing for a month." He said calmly.
And Nataliya and Francis had his reckoning a month ago, thought Arthur, sadly. As much as he liked to talk with Kiku, was missing asus friends. ________________________________________
I saw Madeline, "said Arthur Francis I at lunch.
"Ah, ouais?" Francis replied dryly.
"What the hell you think you're doing?" Arthur frowned. "It's not like you can go around harassing other brides!"
Francis gave noncommittal grunt. Arthur turned his attention to his lamb chops. After eating for a while, looked up to see the eyes of Francis.
were unusually bright.
"Are you okay?" Arthur asked, raising an eyebrow.
"n-non," Francis said, looking away with a sob. ________________________________________
Nataliya and Ivan went to the next morning. Yekaterina Also, the Hufflepuff girl with prominent chest.
Noting his absence, Francis brightened up considerably.
"You are a spoilsport, Arthur," Arthur said cheerfully while glared.
"I think it means you're too happy with the absence of Nat," said Arthur irritably.
Francis turned to her plate with eggs, whistling a tune. At that time, Alfred and Madeline came to his desk. It was a good thing that most of the Slytherin had left for vacation, if not the presence of those two would have been less welcome.
"How are you two? Where's Nat? "Asked Alfred.
"He went to Russia Yekaterina Ivany" said Arthur.
"do you still talk to her?" Francis looked at him as if he had betrayed.
Arthur winced. & Amp; ldquo; Look frog. Just because you're not talking to Nat does not mean that I'm apart of it too. And is not it time to get fixed? It's been a month. "
Madeline raised an eyebrow. "Francis, I told you to talk with Nat, right?"
Francis paled. "D'accord," he grumbled. ________________________________________
Easter passed without a mention of Nataliya Arlovskaya o Busby chair. Lesauvage Marcus returned to the Slytherin common room, but nobody noticed except for Arthur and Francis. CHT
MLXC "Poor guy, lost nearly three and half months equivalent task" Arthur noticed a rainy afternoon. Marcus was in a corner, writing something. Francis was drawing to Madeline, who was sitting on the couch next to Arthur and looking around selfishly.
"Guys, is the common room most depressing of all time."
"Merci, Madeline?" Francis said with a smile. "Peux-tu me regarder? Tes yeux Je veux dessiner Eclats. "
Madeline blushed and looked down a moment, but then looked at Francis through her long lashesdark.
"Francis, I was flattered," he muttered.
Francis Madeline laughed and looked over his sketchbook. After a while, Arthur looked at his watch. "I have to go to the library, Alfred promised to help him with his task of potions."
"Oho." Francis left his sketchbook for a while and showed Arthur a wicked grin. "Bonne chance with your date."
"is NOT an appointment, frog" muttered Arthur. "See you two at dinner, and do not try anything."
Francis and Madeline did not show up for dinner. After offering a good night to Alfred, Arthur ran to the Slytherin common room. "Dragon's Blood!" He shouted to the wall, who stepped aside to let him pass. Within
were neither Madeline and Francis, Marcus Lesauvage only writing in one corner. Arthur rushed to the bedrooms.
Francis was on his bed, reading a book. "Where the hell you been? Where is Madeline? "
" He went to his common room beforedinner, "said Francis drawled, carelessly turning the pages.
"Well, that does not justify your absence at the dinner."
"Je n'Ai eu pas faim."
"Madeline at the dinner was not either."
Francis blinked
. Suddenly he sat up, the book slid from his hands and landed on the floor. "Mon dieu, I did not say how to get out of the dungeon! He said he could probably find out on your own ... "
" Did not you tell how to get out of the dungeon? What kind of lover you are t & uacuyou;? "
" The guy that everyone wants? "
" Shut up! "Arthur walked to the door. "What if Madeline is the dungeon with the chair?"
Francis walked out the door in an instant. ________________________________________
" whispered Arthur, while walking through the dark hallway beyond the living room of potions. The tip of her wand lit up, showing an expansion of the stone castle.
Francis leaned on each pairyou from the wall, with the desperation of a drowning man. "Où est-elle?" He cried. "Où est-elle?"
Arthur rolled his eyes. "It ends with the drama," he grumbled.
suddenly found the entrance Francis falling through it. Arthur leaned over the wall and fell just when he heard a cry.
stood up and ran to Francis, who was bending over a body like a lover in mourning, holding her against his chest.
_ * _ C
Notes: Madeline is Sychelles, for those who have not discovered.
translator's note: French phrases relate as follows: C'est Madeline
: is Madeline. ouais /
Oui Yes Hé
: Hey!
D'accord, agreed. Merci, Madeline? - Peux-tu me regarder? Tes yeux Je veux dessiner Eclats
: thank you, Madeline? - Can you look at me? I want to draw your eyes bright. Bonne chance
: good luck. pas eu faim Je n'Ai
: I was not hungry. CHTMLX C Mon Dieu! : by god!
(Continue to the seventh)
Inner Ear Infection More Condition_symptoms 30 Vices [Table illusory]
is, I have not finished the tables that I have and start another, but is that table vieta y. .. Hell, I could not help but feel something I said "Take it!" (The table, of course)
So, without further ado, here is the table ...
Fandom: CSI: New York
Claim: Don Flack / Jessica Angell
01. Borrowed words. | 02. Step by step. | 03. Cold hands. |
04. In the radio. | 05. Sorry. | 06. Unsolved mystery. |
07. Shooting star. | 08. Welcome. | 09. Mutual deception. |
10. Broken links. | 11. Double edged sword. | 12. Splendid day. |
13. When all else fails. | 14. In the mirror. | 15. Midnight. |
16. Why not? | 17. Confessions of others. | 18. Never forget. |
19. Sunbeam. | 20. At his side. | 21. What you always wanted. |
22. Before dawn. | 23. In the palm of your hand. | 24. Resisting the urge . [ * ] |
25. Four walls. | 26. Sandcastle. | 27. Shall we dance? |
28. Bad advice. | 29. Promises. | 30. again. [ * ] |
Note: The asterisks (*) are the links for