Blurring Lines
Original language: English (
original Author: Lily Winterwood (
Notes: The whole school seemed to be on the Quidditch pitch for the first game of the season, Gryffindor versus Slytherin .. can read it on desmemorizantes
Part VI Spells and mistletoe
The entire school came across to be in court Quidditch, for the first game of the season, Gryffindor versus Slytherin. Half of the stands on that cold November morning, was covered with red and gold, the other half green and silver.
"And you are out!" The commentator said as the teams took the sky. Arthur sat and stared at Harry. Was small compared to the other players from afar was a fuzzy spot of red and gold, scanning from above the stadium in search of the elusive Golden Snitch.
Halfway through the game, Gryffindor was leading by ten points, the cheers from the Gryffindor side were almost deafening.
"I think I saw ami brother Madeline Gryffindor side of the stands, "said Nataliya, looking through a pair of omniculares. "There you go Harry, I think he saw the Snitch ..." a moment later, he gasped and looked at Arthur, his eyes in panic. "Marcus Flint collided with Harry, and now its acting strange broom!"
"What?" Arthur grabbed omniculares. He searched frantically for the court, and focused on the young seeker.
Harry held his broom to save his life while resisting & iacute; ay stirring. Arthur had to admit, Harry was a very good broom assembler to have survived so long. "Mon Dieu," heard from Francis next to him, all Harry had seen now. Infartante At one point, the broom gave a violent jerk and Harry was dismantled, the only thing that kept him from falling was a hand on the broom.
"Do you think Flint enchanted broom?" Said Nataliya, while Francis took away the omniculares to Arthur to get a better view of the show.
"No, it means you are using very powerful black magic," ressponded Arthur, her nails digging into his palm so hard that he suspected would mark a week. "And Flint is not ready, I won in a duel last year."
Francis returned the omniculares to Nataliya, who began scanning the crowd. "Hermione Granger is seeing something," he whispered, passing them to Arthur. Francis took them off to the UK and focused on it.
"It was," he said after a moment, sounding vaguely disappointed.
The entire game is disarmed. The Weasley twins were c & iacuyou; circles under Harry, trying to be in position to catch him if he fell. In the sudden stop, Marcus Flint scored five goals, without anybody noticing.
Suddenly, Harry climbed back onto his broom and flew quickly to the floor with his hands over her mouth falling into the grass. The crowd gasped.
Harry coughed, and suddenly I was waving the golden snitch on his head.
... "in your face," said Alfred gloating, as they headed back to the castle.
"almost swallowed the damn thing," complained & amp; oacute; Arthur. Alfred began to laugh and playfully hit him in the back.
"Hey, If you want to change things, go and join the team!"
Arthur turned to face him. "Do not even use my own words on me, fool!"
Alfred just smiled, pleased. "What you say Artie! Oh, I must run, is a celebration party in the Gryffindor Tower! "
" P-p-but and what about dinner? "Asked Arthur as the U.S. took stairs.
"The party is more important! See you tomorrow! "
Arthur turned to Francis and Nataliya. "We certainly are taking it very well," he said sarcastically.
"And they have every right, right?" Said Nataliya, as they took their seats at the Slytherin table. A dark cloud seemed to cover the table.
"Yes," sighed Arthur, while dinner appeared on the golden plates.
... It was almost Christmas again. This year, Volvo & Nataliyaamp; iacute; aa Russia with his brother and sister, but Alfred, Matthew and Tiffany would stay. Draco Malfoy was the first to take the train after that, Arthur and Francis found it hilarious.
Harry and Ron are also going to stay at Hogwarts during the holidays, but to the disappointment of Francis, Hermione volvíaa home. The trio seemed to be cooking something, because most days the three seemed to bury their noses in books during their free time, not only Hermione.
"See?" Said a low voice, and slightly confused. "Sorry ..." Arthur looked at him
& oacute, from his work. "Yes?" He asked.
The boy looked frightened, but it was hard to tell because his eyes were closed. "Go, go, have you seen Ludwig?"
"Ludwig Beilschmidt" asked Kiku Honda from his seat in front of Arthur, were in the library working on their essays on the History of Magic . On the side table, the trio rummaged among some books, and whispering quickly. "I have not seen since the herbology class twice this morning, Feli." Feli
seemed disappointed. "He disappeared, & RDQuo; said sadly. "I do not find it anywhere, and I start to worry because he said he would spend Christmas together, I hope I have not forgotten ..." with that he left stunned, Ron accidentally hitting that put a books on the shelves.
"Who is that?" Asked Arthur. On the corner of his eye, he saw Harry go to the Restricted Section.
Feliciano Vargas, "Kiku said, blushing slightly and returning to his paper again. "His brother, Lovina, is in Gryffindor," suddenly stood up,a smile a little worried and a pink in his cheeks. "P-pardon me, Arthur, but ... Will you stay here for Christmas? "
" Yes, I will, "said Arthur, looking at his trial of critical expression.
"Oh, well! I'll stay this year, Mei-chan and Lee-kun volverána China to visit Yao-sempai, I think they are his niece and nephew, can not remember ... "His voice trailed off as his blush deepened.
At that time, Gilbert Beilschmidt entered the LIBRARY. "Hey, Eyebrows!" Said Mientras approached, regardless of the vulture eyes of Madam Pince. "Where is my heavy, not" great brother "
" I have no idea, "snapped Arthur. "And Madam Pince is giving you a dirty look."
Gilbert shrugged and grimaced at the library.
"Gilbert-san," Kiku said softly. "Feli-kun just came to ask the same thing."
Gilbert left the library, muttering.
Beilschmidt Ludwig, Germany's tall and blond, was found the morningNext in Owlery. I had no idea how it got there, some suspected that he had been the victim of a spell desmemorizante.
"Suspect," Arthur told Francis at dinner, pointing his fork to Ludwig, who was being fed a lot of money by Feliciano. "This guy goes away, returns a day later as if he had suffered a spell desmemorizante, and nobody seems to care."
Francis nodded. "Très étrange
," he sighed.
's Holidayity decreased as newly fallen snow on the fields. The Hall was decorated with twelve giant Christmas trees, the hallways were full of mistletoe. Francis appeared to be the only one left at Hogwarts, and he was enjoying some mistletoe.
"Francis, really, stop." Arthur rolled his eyes as he watched Francis arrest a Hufflepuff first year under one of these plants. "You're making me look bad."
"But I can not help it!" Said Francis, as the girl walked a little conf Hufflepuffindented. "I
mon amour spread throughout Hogwarts!" Arthur hit him.
"Rana," he growled, but Francis suddenly pulled his sleeve. "What?" Francis said
a branch of mistletoe right over them. Arthur decided at that moment that I hated with a burning passion that hemi parasitic plant.
Christmas Day arrived with gifts at the foot of his bed, and a great breakfast in the Great Hall.
"& iexcl; Let's make snow wars! "encouraged Alfred, while he, Arthur and Francis left the show.
"I heard snow wars?" Said another voice. Fred, or maybe it was George, was not easy to say. "Hey, Harry, Ron, let's make a snow war, uh?"
"Gryffindor versus Slytherin!" Said the other twin.
"Sacre bleu
, we have fewer members, 'he cried Francis. "Alfred would team up with us, at least."
& ldquoAnd you may have to Percy the Prefect, too, "said Fred-o-may-George. "Even more fair."
And so the day passed with a great war of snow in the gardens, punctuated only by a short break for lunch. Percy, after his brothers kicked out his glasses too many times, left the game quickly, but then left the castle Kiku and replaced. After they decided that nobody won, everybody get together again to make a giant snowman, not magic.
The Christmas dinner was spectacular, and after dinner, Harry sac ó Arthur aside to talk to him.
"Uh ... the other day when we were with Hagrid ..." he began, stammering a little.
"Yes? Oh, let's walk. "Arthur went up a couple of steps, the Gryffindor first year until they were following him up.
"You said you were not going to be the next you-know-who, and what matters most to you was not you but me." The boy blushed, but Arthur smiled a little.
"Of course I care more. You arethe guy who did not save all of you-know-who, when he were leaving the diapers. When you return, try to take revenge on you, so our priority is to keep you safe ... "he paused, feeling that he had spoken a little more.
"Oh." Harry sighed. "Well, I hope not again."
"all look the same." Arthur looked at him, those green eyes that were strangely similar to yours. There were so many things I could tell the boy had returned
More Secrets of the Dark Arts , butcould have told him about the secrets of eternal life would have been able to tell Voldemort about himself, could tell him about the Philosopher's Stone ...
the end, only smiled, patting him on the shoulder and said, "Good luck, Harry. If one day need help, I'll be there. "
Note: Mei is Taiwan, and Lee-kun is Hong Kong. : 3