I have the strange tendency to not finish things I start, this time the victims were my tables, but not all ...
by luck and lack of inspiration / time, I had to drop out of
crack_and_roll and one that was in
30vicios , the first was Bleach, the second from Cowboy Bebop. Not that I have bored, is that the univarsidad acts weird and takes one's inspiration for some things, fortunately, I still have two tables that I decided to finish: The
of 10pairings , where my ClaimRukia is, (and which one is missing three fics to finish), and another in
30vicios , with a pairing of CSI New York. Finally, I intend to finish these two tables, with trial and determination, because ... Hell, I have to finish them!
And that was all he had to say, someday depronto resume to Cowboy Bebop, just for fun, for now, I'll stick with what I have, not fill me with too much work.
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