Sunday, August 30, 2009
Epiphone Casino Montreal Brrr.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Graco Ultra Clear Monitor Another meme feat. Taichi Dan ♥ ♥ ♥
If, as read, Another meme xD.
I can not help. I think this journal should be a collector of memes or something xD:
Well, it has been said;)
Yes, I'll do Another meme, I can not Avoid Them XD. This Should Be a meme journal xD collector. Stolen from
The person: Dan Taichi from TeniPuri ^ ^
1. Choose a picture of the funniest face on your person.
ll, i found it funny xD. It looks like Taichi is running after an Urayama Horio xD. ME
paerce something funny, because it seems that Taichi is running to catch Urayama Horio and XD.
2. Choose a picture of your person eating.
It counts, although he's only drinking cofee.
The truth is that it found many cominedo. This should be worth, if only you are drinking coffee.
3. Choose a picture of your person with an animal.
LOL, the puppy looks so cute.
This makes me laugh because it seems they were watching a telenovela xD, and the dog with his face?
4. Choose a picture of your person with the Opposite Sex.
This is from a fan-art page. The girl is Sakuno (well, she's grown-up)
not many of him with some girl uu So I put this, girl Sakuno, although it is more grown xDXDXD.
5. Choose a picture of Where You Would Have sex.
.... ehmm .. u / / / / u Do not misunderstand me
. I'm talking about the bed xD.
not get me wrong, I am referring to bed ok?
6. Choose a picture of your favorite outfit on this person.
rain coat That is the CUTEST ever! ... It looks like a little dress.
Although it was certainly something in this waterproof light green is the cutest thing I've seen ... even just a fan-arts XD reminds me of a dress: S.
7. Choose a picture of your smiling person.
A brilliant smile:). And a bonus Sengoku and Minami puppets;)
A huge smile from ear aoreja;). Gift And Sengoku and Minami in puppet (some day I will one: S)
8. Choose a picture of your half-naked person.
Yes, I know, this picture isn't too cute.
'm a shotacon in a sort of way, am not I?
Yes, I know, and two images are not so tender. But it is the nature of the question that made me do it, I swear! Oo
9. Choose a picture of your person doing an outdoor activity.
Yay! Running in a car. It's looks so funny;)
Yes!, Running in a car .. and I think we are at a good speed.
10. Choose your favorite picture of your person.
This was very Difficult to choose, But I Feel That this is one of my favorites, for now. But, I Have Another favorite.
Because, What is Better Than a cute and innocent Taichichi?
Yes, a Taichi with Urayama ^ ^
Well, I think that's all: S
1.New ichinen trio: / ~ Dai-ken-eri /
2.Taichi, Ryoma and Kentaro:
3.Taichi with apuppy: ~ dai-ken-eri /
4.Taichi and Sakuno grown-up: 5.Taichi
on a bed:
6.Taichi and Akutsu:
7.Taichi and puppets:
tied 8.Taichi:
9.Taichi and Akutsu on a car:
10.Taichi face:
11.Urayama and Taichi:
You Must visit this site, They Are Wondererful. Would I like to draw like them so beautiful TT
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
North State Superyard XT Portable Playard On the day I was born (3 and Final): Goals, dreams and gifts you would like to have someday.
Well as I said but:
Today is my birthday No. 20
I can not believe that we have 20 years and has not done anything for the world. Well, if I can believe it, but not the best, I say no? XDXDXD.
Well, we are already 20, only missing 80.
may be elsewhere as 20, but according to my schedule, is on August 19, 18:06.
Well, summing up.
On August 19th (my birthday) was good for:
-No classes, so I took the day off almost ^ ^.
"My ICTY my cousin arrived unexpectedly in Lima. I thought it was my birthday, but wasxD just a coincidence.
-bought lots of food ^ ^ I'm glutton XDXDXD
Now, it was bad by:
-No classes, so few cell congratulated me: S.
"I could not buy what I wanted because I did not find TT
" I'm with the monthly period
TT Well, summary of events.
-ever finish writing my original fics. I decided to start writing original, because the fandom is very difficult, especially for me, a bad captando personalities. So far I only two: S-Petit, dealing with very young for their age and form a club, and Rei Takashita on ... guess ... a man of Prince of Tennis fan. I hope finish it and write the other pending. If anyone is encouraged to read the very little progress, go to and seek Canelo Prod. (What a name right?)
"If I finish, I'll write fics of Prince of Tennis. Only friendly fluff and cheesy, sure I will from dulzóny daily. And in the first fic that will make Urayama and Taichichi, that I promise. In el second perhaps put Seigaku regulars in his younger version.
"And, obviously, to end my college career among the best.
-A Paypal account. "The doujinshi Gashukku
or Ikkou! Aoi Levin. I was in jpqueen to 3 dollars, and I instantly fell in love with that style to draw Seigaku childlike, but never bought it. Nobody would take him, so maybe we meet again ...
-A doujinshi go where all schools doing cute things and / or stupid. Or at least that interact.
-A doujinshi where pampering comes Captain l YamatoI regular mini.
-A Ryoiji doujinshi Hido. Preferably the island of 15 children or Swap Buchou. "A beta reader
patient, which in turn blow me some ideas for my stories.
-A half dozen BJD (ball-jointed doll), only males and surtidita.
-SI is not the one above: BJD dozen of Cherishdoll. (Faith)
"If you can not the above, a male MSD BJD Asleep Eidolon and wrist Zaoll.
(You can tell I'm obsessed with this of the BJD is not it?)
"If it etc, etc, etc, etc: Any BJD MSD it or Tiny. "A heterosexual
uke for me. If it seems Taichi (or so), extra points.
-A particular artist,to draw my characters.
-An opportunity to view the live Tenimyu.
-An AU fic in which a mini Ryoma befriends a mini Tezuka, if they come out the other mini Regulars, is a plus. If you leave the captain Yamato, two plus.
"A chapter or page TeniPuri sleeve which implies that at the bottom of their hearts, they are much appreciated and really want to be teenagers and that the whole tale of rivalry and the seriousness is socially \u0026lt;-------- This tennis pa'l what if that is not true.
And something else.
Happy birthday to those who meet in August!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Gall Bladder More Condition_symptoms Domingo.
Friday, August 7, 2009
How Much Is It For A Z Licence In Alberta? Yes, more meme (o) s.
1 - Go to this page:
I see a Wikipedia article at random. The title of the article appears will be the name of your group.
2 - Now go to this other page:
p3 The last four words of the last quote is the title of your first album.
The third picture, no matter what it is, will; The cover of your album.
He is superior.
Returns. Oo right?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Prolexis Enhancing Formula New header! : 3
is made in Angel
Angel The original you can find in the churnal of
The original Alex ♥ , here:
* nosebleed * 3 ♥ ♥
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Clothing Steam Cleaners For Sale In Canada Meme!
Leave a comment in this post and I will ask you five questions. Then you answer the questions in a post in your journal With These instructions.
We have here the questions that made me
1. If you could meet one person in the world to really admire, who would it be?
Buff, think. It should be someone not likely to know, so Angel and Dani droppeds. Now you should think about whether I know them or fuck her. If you just want to meet you, descartaríaa many people. No I just fuck her, do not rule Angel and Dani. And if both, I remain as ever.
2. What is your favorite song?
I have no favorite.
3. Have you made the bed this morning? Just
just the just did. xDDD
4. If you could choose between being the most talented person in the world or the prettiest or the smartest, would you choose?
The m á s list. The talent was recognized after his death, if I'm handsome I'm dumb. Being the smartest, I recognized as the smartest, if I'm ugly (unless it's something unnatural) nothing happens, and I will be ready to earn easy money with any bullshit. 8)
5. "Dani and Angel?
Slut! : @
If I have to choose ... Dani. xD It's a little chubby, but I'll put in a well-based. 8)
Magellan Roadmate 700 GPS On the day I was born (2) Memes retarded xD
not update or coincidence, I'm half lost in the world xD.
So first, two memes (I love it, and do not know why)
For Nakuruchan
1. Do you like this person?
I love him. It is a very gentle and sweet boy. It was almost instant love XD
2. How do you call this person?
Taichi, Dan, Taichichi
3. Which color do you associate with this person?
Verde. A clear emerald green. Well, and also because blue is his favorite C
4. Looking at his / her character, What blood type do you think he / she have?
As I believe, is an AB.
. What do you want to tell this person?
All I can say should not be heard by him xD. Tiernucho But to tell you what it is, I agree xD.
6. What do you want to do with this person: hug, kiss or shake hands? Vote for
hugs and kisses . Although known, I think only historical pat head llegaríaa
TT 7. Pick four of your five friends and pick one person for them.
As with Nakuru, left thefree will of those who read this xD. But malice_blood ... I think I'll leave one of his Hetalianos xD. East: Russia
Meme made by
malice_blood .
Meme TutixNagayan
1) The last time Something Happened Outside of the Intarwebs That made you think of TXN
C HTMLXC Well ... I think it was a day that was at my computer listening to the "Golden Pair" xD. NO was the Internet, but on the computer, so I guess it must be worth.
2) The name / nickname / description of one Other person you've dragged kicking and screaming Into this fandom.
Well I have not got anyone in this fandom xD. Unless you are my sister to see the time during the Golden Dream Live 1st, hence ... I do not know: S.
3) Your favorite memory of fandom (Can Be Something comm-related, fanwork-related, random RealLife-related, blog-related, whatevs).
More than the Fandom of TutixNagayan, I have one on the first cast, which is my favorite. I read in LJ
fencer_x . It was a blog entry Nagaya (one of his older posts, I guess), in which put a snippet of the song NOW & FOREVER, while expressing their feelings about the last Tenimyu he did. It was so sad and yet so tender and I missed both my first cast, as I did on many other occasions ...
4) Why is thisthe best pic ever:
Because ... Nagaya is resting his head on a telephone? Well, it's better because it looks like he or relaxing, or torture, one of two xD.
5) How Then somehow this one dog Be Better Than That one:
This is better because: 1) It's the time of my first cast . 2) Nagaya seems 15 years and 3) he is not a gif, so it takes to load xD.
6) And how this one pwns Any and all Have That Have Come Before or after it:
This pwns all others by ... to see ... ah ya know! For Tuti is wearing a shirt Blossam brand, or brand of Nagaya! ... and because they are finally talking something serious, I guess.
7) Why fucking These two are so perfect together and just like to tease us Because they're a couple of C-S bastards.
are perfect together because, well, was a Golden Pair, and I think that by acting in them, no one can returnto be the same. Like the true Golden, have learned to complement each other, as well as to make a completely healthy fanservice xD good fanservice I found an innocent compared to what happened in DL3 · xDXDXD. But I think everything looks good because they show their affection without problems, as many of the other boys Tenimyu. It's nice to see them showing their friendship as it should be, and now I'm going the other way with this friendship xD. I was not born to fujoshi I'm just a fangirl in training:).
------------------------------- CH TMLXC Well, I finally did my two outstanding memes. I'll go poke around there, because there is still a bit more. It's my birthday, finally enters the second decade, so be patient xDXDXD
Monday, August 3, 2009
Ap Biology Wards Lab 5 Kakashi Gaiden.
Naruto Shippuden, 119-120.
Kakashi Gaiden.
As every week, he was I expecting a desperate and depressing chapter of Naruto, and came ... this.
I hate to be sappy, but this force has been ... spectacular. What boniiito. 3 ♥ ♥ 's love, kawaii. ♥
subliminal message - Me the petaba. -So subliminal message
I'ma Reinón, I cried. I cried because Obito was mor &; Iacute; a. (
And he gave Kakashi his Sharingan, all that remained.
hopes, wishes, Tobi is Obito, if you do not think I'm going to cut the veins .. . ♥
(If you read / see Naruto, you have not understood anything, but bueh ( is that it is SO nice).