Leave a comment in this post and I will ask you five questions. Then you answer the questions in a post in your journal With These instructions.
We have here the questions that made me
1. If you could meet one person in the world to really admire, who would it be?
Buff, think. It should be someone not likely to know, so Angel and Dani droppeds. Now you should think about whether I know them or fuck her. If you just want to meet you, descartarĂaa many people. No I just fuck her, do not rule Angel and Dani. And if both, I remain as ever.
2. What is your favorite song?
I have no favorite.
3. Have you made the bed this morning? Just
just the just did. xDDD
4. If you could choose between being the most talented person in the world or the prettiest or the smartest, would you choose?
The m á s list. The talent was recognized after his death, if I'm handsome I'm dumb. Being the smartest, I recognized as the smartest, if I'm ugly (unless it's something unnatural) nothing happens, and I will be ready to earn easy money with any bullshit. 8)
5. "Dani and Angel?
Slut! : @
If I have to choose ... Dani. xD It's a little chubby, but I'll put in a well-based. 8)
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