by luck and lack of inspiration / time, I had to drop out of
And that was all he had to say, someday depronto resume to Cowboy Bebop, just for fun, for now, I'll stick with what I have, not fill me with too much work.
"What is do you want? "Snape spat, turning to look at Alfred.
" & Ikkesht; La Piedra also facilitates the resurrection? "
Snape stopped short and stared at him, saying nothing ...
House Blurring Lines: Second year
The crazy cousin Tiffany
Summer was timeto do nothing and relax. But not for Arthur Kirkland. During his first year at Hogwarts, he had witnessed the destruction of the Busby chair, a chair damn it proved to be an artifact called Dark Horcrux. He had learned, too, that there was a human, but the representation of England. His friends also were representatives of countries: Alfred F. Jones was the United States, Francis Bonnefois was France, and Nataliya Arlovskaya was Belarus.
They did not know, and Arthur wanted to tell them. But he had sworn to silence. Would know over time
... ...
"The Horcrux is a receptacle in which a magician seals a part of his soul," Arthur read breathlessly. He was perched in a tree in the courtyard of his home, Driscoll owl on the branch next to him. "To create a Horcrux is a seal from his soul and that part of an object outside the body."
Driscoll hooted and flew.
"The magician who creates a Horcrux definitely will not die, even when his body is destroyed, because the other part of his soul is no damage. Spirit will remain, until you get corporeal form, unless the Horcrux is destroyed too. "
Arthur looked up from his book. It was a very old, the Director of Hogwarts he had borrowed, entitled Secrets of the Dark artifacts. Dumbledore had given the book to be returned as soon as he had finished reading about the Horcruxes, and the promise that would not tell other people, especially Harry Potter "on them.
"A secret to the grave," he said to nobody in particular.
His reflections were interrupted by Peter, his younger brother, who ran wearing a sailor outfit. Peter met only seven this year, but had already begun its countdown to his birthday eleven.
"Artie, Artie, it's time for lunch!"
"I, Peter!" Returned the call. Closing Secrets of the Dark artifacts, jumped from a tree branch, falling light on his feet.
Arawn, his older brother quien also was on vacation from Hogwarts, he was putting the finishing touches on a kind of beef stew when Arthur entered the kitchen.
"That looks interesting," Arthur said as he sat.
"Thanks," said Arawn. Put some on three courses. "Avail. The rest I keep for Liam and Erin. "
Liam and Erin were the two elder brothers of the family. They work in the Ministry of Magic.
Arthur sat down and began to eat his lunch. He wore half whenand Driscoll came in with a white owl carrying a letter. Arthur recognized the white animal Pierre, Francis owl.
"Hey, it's Francis," she said as she looked at the envelope. Francis would use these stamps only expensive and the Eiffel Tower emblazoned on every corner of the letter.
"Who is, your boyfriend?" Laughed Arawn.
"Shut up." Arthur's cheeks turned red.
"Do not wait, is not Francis," continued Arawn, ignoringthe glare of his younger brother. "Is that Gryffindor who sits with you all the time. You know, American? Alfred F. " Jones? "
" SHUT UP! "Arthur almost spilled his stew. "None of your damn business!" He opened the letter. Read:
Bonjour Arthur,
Comment vas-you? I'm fine. Right now I'm in Paris, the lights are simply gorgeous and the Eiffel Tower is très belle. You should see it, its beauty and size your breath taken away. C HTMLXC
My sister and cousin are exquisite. Aurore is a little beauty and Mabel is lovely. Beauxbatons will convert to two beautiful witches, I think.
return to l'Angleterre in Aout, hope to see you in Diagon Alley and Hogwarts.
Avec tout moncœur,
Arthur folded the letter and put it in your pocket. Driscoll and Pierre flew lightly to the table andtook a bit of their stew. Cariñoa patted owls. Pierre must be tired having flown across the English Channel after all.
was just beginning the afternoon, another white owl came flying into the room of Arthur, with another letter. As the owl looked very tired, Arthur gave him some food and water and left to sleep on your bookshelf.
The letter was from Nataliya.
"Priyvitannie, Arthur!"
What hto state your summer? I have a little cold at this time, but it's always cold in the house of brother! Madeline brought to dinner the other day Winter Dad was not very pleased when she started asking for fish in the middle of dinner. Madeline does not look like a girl cold personality, but happy to brother so I guess I should be happy too.
Francis says is going well in Paris, I referred to has been frequenting these places ... how is it called? Moulins "Rouges? Something. Just thinkis too young to enter. Maybe you are using an aging potion. Anyway, hope you're not getting into trouble. And neither are you, stay safe.
brother, sister and I will be back in August. Hope to see you then!
Arthur smiled sideways. Francis would be very trying to enter such places. Patted the sleepy white owl in the head, the poor bird would fly vuelta to Russia tomorrow morning.pulled out his parchment, pen and ink, and began to write their responses.
She hooted and staggered wearily a little. Arthur left on the bookshelf where the white owl was asleep. Driscoll had gone for a midnight flight. Justice took his place on the shelf, going to sleep.
Arthur opened the letter.
Hey Artie!
I had a great summer! The family reunion is still in any case, and now they are talking about things down there with a little beer and papas chips (these would crisps for you, I think. You Brits are so strange!), and watching a football game (not your kind of football) . Anabelle's cousin is playing guitar in my room is very good but not as a prima June. The premium June know about all the stars of the country, Tennessee, after all. Tiffany's cousin is busy being a lunatic in the yard-I think he has a crush on Ryan's cousin, which is scary, because they are cousins, right? I hope it happens soon, starting to scare me and heroes never scared! CHTM LXC
Tiffany's cousin is eleven now, and received a Hogwarts letter the other day. That basically means I have to deal with it and problems of falling in love for six years Masy I'm not looking for but I guess I have to do it because I'm a hero! It's a little scary as you do things in secret, which means I will probably be in Slyhterin so lucky with that, Artie. I hope you do not end up falling for you. That would simply be uncomfortable.Pequena pathetic return to your island in threeweeks! Tiffany and Mattie go with me. See you at school or in Diagon Alley!
Alfred Arthur laughed a little as she read the letter. "So I know the crazy cousin Tiffany, huh," she whispered.
Driscoll flew through the half open window and hooted.
The Leaky Cauldron was full as usual when Alfred Arthur met three weeks after & eacute; sa late July. "Artie Heya!" Exclaimed Alfred F. Jones as I hugged him. I was a little taller, a little wider than shoulders, but it was still the same blue-eyed blonde with glasses, a tuft rebel and hero complex.
"You grew a little," Arthur noted.
"Nah, you will shrink." Alfred laughed as Arthur's cheeks are red and hit put Alfred in the arm.
Matthew Williams, a quiet and shy boy in Hufflepuff, he smiled. He, too, was fairand wore glasses, but her eyes were purple and instead of a lock of unruly hair had a strip of wavy hair that hung from his forehead. Polar bear carrying her like an object that gave him security.
"Hello, Arthur," he said.
"Hello, Matthew."
"Artie, I'd like to introduce my cousin Tiffany!" Alfred smiled, but rolled his eyes as he made a Sen ; to head to a girl who came a few steps behind.
"So & iquest, this is the crazy Prima Tiffany? "Arthur whispered, looking at her. "It does not look so crazy."
spoke too fast, because suddenly the girl began to mourn. "Are you saying
ugly on me, right?" He cried. "No, Tiff, at all," said Alfred, with enthusiasm. "This is Arthur Kirkland, is in my Anoy is Slytherin! I've talked about it, is not it? "
" I said I was wicked! & Rdquo; said Tiffany. She had long black hair and big blue eyes, which at that time were full of tears.
"It's very emotional, huh?" Whispered Matthew. "It costs a lot of it out of their boxes, huh?"
"I think it's pretty easy to get angry, too?" Arthur whispered back, while Alfred gave a awkward pat on the back of the girl.
"Oh, that too." Many people had come to watch them, and Arthur began to retreat orWe centimeters away from Alfred and Tiffany.
collided with something huge.
"Hey, watch where you walk!" Said a familiar voice.
"Hagrid!" Exclaimed Arthur, a sigh of relief.
"How are you, Arthur," said Hagrid, happy. "I am attending Hogwarts some issues now, so I can not stay long." He said by placing a hand on the shoulder of a boy with black hair. Arthur looked at him.
"Cclass international to Hagrid? "Arthur asked the boy.
"I just met yesterday," he said.
"Yes, we walk by getting books and stuff," said Hagrid.
Arthur smiled. "I'm Arthur Kirkland," he said, extending a hand.
"Harry Potter," replied the boy, shaking hands with Arthur.
Arthur blinked. Surely, just in front of the boy had a lightning-shaped scar. E-happy to meet you, H-Harry Potter, "she said, her face turning pink.
So this is Harry Potter? ...
translation: Alfred's reference in his letter on potato chips / crisps, football, refer to American English, French fries are known as' chips ', while the English will say' crisps. " The same about football, Americans mean by the word to football, English football and as such, or football (that's american is 'soccer'.) ... LOL Iggy was not an official English dictionary when it should XD.
French translation
Comment vas-you?:How are you?
très belle: beautiful
Aout: August Avec tout mon
cœur : With all my heart.