I fix my Mp4, returned my Mp3, I'm going out and I can not be happier.
Now, one thing for which I nominated Naia xD ...
FIRST: If you have been nominated, you must write your answers in your LJ and change every question you do not like the other new and original
SECOND: Nominate six sexy. Do not deny it. Unless you really do not want, of course. And if you're nominated and want to do it, do it!
"Favorite song right now?
Hmm ... Kokoro Kiseki! What a sad story, I did mourn, every time I tell aaomeone the story makes me want to mourn, w;
"Last book you bought?
-Try to remember "One of HP Lovecraft ... I do not remember well, Yuggoth Fungi or so called ...
"The last movie you saw? Did you like?
I recently saw one that made me cry xD traumatized, I do not remember the name.
Three things bother you much now
1. That Matias did not arrive.
2. My hair goes revolution.
3. Uu not find my headphones ...
If you could do anything, whatwould it be? Being male
What is more frightening?
2 things ...
1) A girl walking like Ghei, dressed as a girl, when you obviously are a man who shaves her legs.
2) that my cousin is so stupid D:, drugs, fucked him neurons.
Name the two objects closest to you
my brush and my hair dryer xD.
Top 5 of keywords / phrases you use
1. WTF?!
2. Daaah ...
3. Heretic!
4. Mucus coshina ugly ugly bad bad.
Your favorite ice cream flavor? Chirimoya
happy! ~
"Four favorite things in the global world?
1. My music.
2. My friends uwu
3. My dogs.
4. My music players xD ...
The most played song in your iTunes
Like Naia only and Mp3 Mp4 ... I think that mass is sounded Kokoro Kiseki-A Flood of tears
If you could rescue any animal what would it be? "I'll stay?
Ehm ... A dog. Since I was in fact me xD.
Worst movie you've seen
-Hipertraumatized fan, rocking back and forth-
What is the best way to relax?
Drinking and being with friends. Favorite Quote
"That feeling is gone.
He who gives you life,
How do you live? How do you breathe?
time to time I will respond.
Tic, Tac, Tic Tac. ".- I love this paragraph, even if one of my poems.
Is there anything you throw under your childhood?
I do not know. The blot, but would so much ...
& iquest, Spring, Summer, Winter otoƱoo?
Fall, but Winter ~
I nominate a. .. Amanda Nightray and Haru, there is the look xD.
~ The other thing I had to do for a while nn, answer pressing "PUSH!" Please ~
If Freesia out ...
An object would be:
A Landscape, would be:
One Animal, would be:
One word would be:
A YEAR Station or, to beed: .
A musical instrument is:
A Virtue, it would be:
A defect would be: A Color
would be:
An element of nature, would be:
The King World, would be: (insert this definition of myself as a king)
A Body Part, would :
One Level, would be:
A Stone beautiful, would be:
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