Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fredericton Car Auctions House Blurring Lines, Fan fiction, Chapter Four

Blurring Lines House

Original language: English (

original Author: Lily Winterwood (

Notes: Arthur with his friends, Francis and Nataliya, decide to investigate on the great mystery surrounding the chair of Busby. Is it possible that the chair is in the dungeons of Hogwarts? Is it possible to attack the students ...?

(Part One) (Asda part) (Part Three)

Fourth Meeting
part in the dungeons

Winter vacation ended, and Arthur barely noticed it.

"Did you miss me?" Cried Gilbert just entered the Great Hall on the first day of the new school term.

"Yes, of course, as you say," muttered Arthur.

"A peu, mon ami," said Francis, with an unintelligible expression on his face.

showed them Overhaul & Gilbertyou, his typical smile and ran to the Ravenclaw table. "Hey Roddy, Roddy!, Did you miss me?"

"Caro did not!" Said the angry voice of Roderich Edelstein forever.

"What? How can you not miss my awesome self? "

" Back to School, hm "Arthur murmured, turning her attention to the calendar. "Look what we have today."

"Two hours of potions to Gryffindor," noted Nataliya.

"Good! & Amp; rdquo; Francis said with a smile on its side, looked toward the Gryffindor table, where Madeleine Desmarais was talking to the sleepy Greek boy. ________________________________________

The Classroom Snape was always cold. The students were huddled around their cauldrons, trying to pick up some heat from the tiny fire in the base.

"try to make a simple project of healing today," said Snape, raising a small jar. "And unless they are complete idiots, do not take long to do this."

Arthur looked towards the room ofGryffindor, where Alfred was looking at the instructions of his book as if they were in French.

"Jones!" Snape said suddenly, causing the U.S. to tremble a bit of surprise.

"Yes, sir?" Alfred looked up over his glasses.

"What you do today?"

"An attempt at healing potion ...?"

"Congratulations, you were listening."
and Francis laughed mockingly. Alfred's looked ugly.

classbegan to make the potion. Arthur and Francis worked together; Arthur porcupine quills weighed as carefully grinding Francis beetle eyes to make a fine powder.

"Carefully, Arthur," he said as he poured the powder into a liquid, "Do not go to inhale any of this." Arthur

raised one of his bushy eyebrows and looked at the book. "Well, I think we should add the teeth now."

"Non, we must wait for another minute, or until the potion on a blue again." Wait

No, watching the color changing potion. Finally, Arthur looked at his watch again and added the fence.

The potion turned purple. Francis laughed a little. "Only you could enjoy this, Arthur," Arthur murmured while stirring the contents.

Arthur's eyes. "And now look again before adding Sporklesprout roots. Do you cut now? "

Francis nodded, pointing to the roots finely cut on the desktop. Arthur looked at his watch.

Were the first to finish the potion, winning ten points to Slytherin. Alfred looked at Snape took his bottle while healing your desktop.

"how did they end so quickly?"

" C'est parce que je suis trop sexy ," Francis said with a smile of self-sufficiency. Arthur looked at him strangely.

"Since when it has to do with Potions?" He asked. ________________________________________

The Gryffindor rushed to leave the room just Snape sent them away. Arthur, Nataliya Francis and remained there for a while, but Snape had disappeared into his office and closed the door.

"I wonder if the chair is in his office?"

"Non, I bet he is in the remotest dungeon of the castle," said Francis.

"Why are we trying to seek the seat again?" Asked Nataliya.

"To see if Busby is the chair or not," Arthur said, walking out of the room.

"Attends-nous" cried Francis.

Instead of turningthe left, towards the upper levels of the castle, the three Slytherin went right, into the deep bowels of Hogwarts. ________________________________________

"Marcus" a slow, husky voice whispered. "I have moved."

Marcus's voice answered. "Mr. Busby, I assure you will find a comfortable body soon. "

" is not soon enough for me, Marcus. If you do not find a body, I'm afraid I have to use yours. "________________________________________

" Look Arthur, la chair is not here, "complained Nataliya, shivering slightly in the cold.

Arthur shook his head. "Snape said the seat was down here, so it must be around here."

Francis rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall. "Maybe it's a dungeon, but in another area of the castle - Aghh!" Arthur and Nataliya be turned to face him, only to see through the wall fell .

"Francis!" Cried the two at the same time. Arthur ran to the wall, hit marginallyou; foward.

"Francis, Francis You hear me?"

"ouais, je peux," Francis said, his voice sounded muffled.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Arthur pressed his ear against the stone.

"I fell through the wall, of course," said Francis, "I'm sure that if you lean in that place like you too."

"Are you kidding? I'm leaning against the wall right now! "

" push harder against the rock "said the voice of Francis.

At the time Arthur more pressure to the wall, it gave way, and Arthur fell into a dungeon. Moments later, Nataliya came through the wall too, landed hard on him.


"Sorry, Arthur." Arthur felt like it went off and stood up, looking around.

The fourth cell was surrounded by arches and pillars. There were some lines at the top of the room that made in a little sunlight, forming a series of mysterious shadows and lights in the pWALL. In the center of the room had a chair on a small stage. There was someone on the seat, was slumped over her, and his arms hanging lifeless.

"Is he dead?" Said Nataliya, kneeling in front of the figure and tilting the head up. Francis stared.

"is Marcus Lesauvage" he whispered. "It's prefect."

"He shook my hand when I went to Slytherin!" Said Arthur, recognizing the face.

Marcus's eyes were open, her dark eyes watchingto do nothing. He was pale, and it was amazing the resemblance he had with a dead body. Nataliya trembled a little. "Was not he was always quiet, after the first day of school? I never heard him speak after he showed us the rooms. "

"Nor do we hear a lot," Francis said.

"So how do you know?" Nataliya searched the boy's pulse at the wrist.

Francis laughed. "Oh, her younger sister is a second year Ravenclaw. Do I think I told you about it, non? & iQuest; Lissete Lesauvage? "

Arthur winced. "Maybe two months ago, because the name sounds familiar. Is he alive, Nat? "

Nataliya nodded. "Hardly."

"Oui, mais ... if this chair is the Chaise du Busby, will not live long unless we get it to Madam Pomfrey." Carefully Francis crossed his arms and legs. "I would not mind ... I should not fear for my life every time I talk to Lisette ..."

"Better shut up, frog. Let's take him to the hospital wing & RDQuo;. Arthur nodded to Nataliya, who took his wand and waved a swish-and-flick.

"Wingardium leviosa!" , Marcus's body rose from the chair. "Mobilicorpus!"

As the three went through a door on the other side of the dungeon, Arthur glanced back at the chair.

(Continued: five)


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