Sunday, May 31, 2009
Installing Floor In Aluminum Boat Umpf.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Herpes More Condition_symptoms Memes ... Oh beautiful memes!
The truth I really like filling these things ^ ^. And I feel more comfortable writing in English this time, because I'm a little rushed to expound my poor English. So you know, Naki, insurance will be one of the few who understand this ... but who knows XD.
I think I'll do that from now on. A post in English, the other in inglésy well, in my mind xD.
Well, to the point. So, the meme
Taken my new friend, or malice_blood ^ ^
The firsto: Your personality stereotype Japanese.
Here ...
Tsunderekko (Harsh Gentle Outside-Inside)
[x] You come off as sort of aloof to Other People. (I'm not very sociable, the truth TT)
[x] In public, you Refrain from intentionally Showing Weakness much.
[] You Have A Something secret obsession with cute. (I have an obsession with things cute, but it's no secret xD)
[] You pretend you hate your crush That Even Though you really love him / her. (This is the only thing I do not like the tsundere, the truth xD)
[] You blush When people point out your sensitivites.
[] You blush when to tell people sex jokes.
Total: 2 ... I qI'm not xD eu. Let's move on to the next.
Yanderekko (Gentle-Harsh Outside Inside)
[x] You're very sweet and kind in public. (That I say, at least -.-)
[x] When romance Becomes a topic of discussion, people say your personality drastically changes file. (Yes, I get more candy diet Marui xD)
[] You know some sort of martial art, swordplay, or Otherwise.
[] You Have A Crush Who You'd literally kill for. (Furious, perhaps, but kill ... not so much)
[x] You Have a pet-peeve That Makes You snap.
[x] Bipolar? (If it be not coy in the street and being talkative at home recontra xD)
Total: 4, maybe I on track ... I guess this must be & amp; nbsp; by my affection for Fruits Basket Kagura xD
Meganekko (Girl-with-Glasses Character)
[x] You Have glasses ("Valen the rest?).
[x] Sometimes You CAN Be clumsy, ditzy, or absent-minded.
[] You are always very polite in your speech.
[x] You are intelligent Fairly In Some field.
[] You take discipline Seriously.
[x] You Have Some sort of fetish for something (the truth ... I'm not sure ... Do you have an obsession with the clavicles)
Total: 4 ... I am a Kagura with glasses xD.
TSUKKOMI (Angry Guy)
[] You Have A Friend Who Makes Often embarrasssing or dumb remarks.
[] You smack / beat up this friend in some way.
[] You do your best to Maintain a calm facade, only to Be thwarted by this friend.
[] If you & your friend Were A yin-yang, You'd Be the "yang."
[] You swear a lot.
[] You try to bring out the more ridiculous Serious side of your friend.
Total: 0
Boke (Dumb Guy)
[x] You Often make silly or embarrassing comments. (Only at home with my sister XD)
[] You like annoying the heck out of your best friend.
[] Often You get beaten up by your friend in Some Way, But you take it in good stride .
[] If you & your friend Were A yin-yang, You'd Be the "yin."
[x] You are very Normally theidback and carefree.
[x] You try to bring out the happier side of your angry friend. (Sometimes, but only in my house)
Total: 3, and only in the house xD.
Nadeshiko (Perfect Wife) (I like this Estereotypo, but do not know why I'm not xD q)
[] You are always, Almost overly polite.
[x] You love traditional Japanese culture.
[] You Either Often wear a kimono, yukata (summer cotton kimono), or apron. (But I would like)
[] You're an excellent cook. (Not know how to cook TT)
[x] You are Hardly ever angry.
[] You Have really long hair. (He was, after he's gone past that xD)
Total: 2 ... I sat & iacutee; to xD. But if it were a man, I'd like someone .... even know where someone like this ... -.- I
best Tomboy Character
[x] You feel comfortable in boy's clothing.
[x] You Have short hair (not so short, but I would like)
[] You Have A Crush Whom you act friendly with Rather Than romantically.
[] You are really good at sport / s (LOL)
[] You are Admired by girls and boys for your talents, Though you're sort of in denial.
[] You show your girly features on rare occasions.
Total: 2. In part it's good, I
Sexy Character (WTF! I? ... We'll see -.-)
[] Your bust / package is formidable ....
[] You like making sexual innuendoes.
[] You Encourage trips to the beach, pool, or onsen (hot springs). (The beach is not mine)
[x] There Are Some Things That You Are sexual Ignorant or Need to Explained to you .
[] You're an expert cosplayer.
[] You like the taste of alcohol.
Total: 1 ... Unsurprisingly
And at last...Lolita / Shota Character (Male to respond this well, I give you my number xD)
[] You like sweets or chocolate.
[x] Things You adore cute and / or the word "kawaii".
[x] You use Japanese suffixes like "-chan" '-tan, ""-sempai, "etc ...
[] You Unnecessary add suffixes to the ends of your sentences, like "nyo," NYU, "" a, "etc ...
[x] You are Considered gullible or naive.
[] You Have A tall / Who Protects you Powerful friend.
Total: 3 ... well, my room was considered the most baby xD. People still check me thirteen years .... blind.
bueh. In short
bipolar I am a woman ( Taka-san, it's your fault xD ), who wears glasses, but is considered by many kawaii but the truth is a baka xD. To a lesser extent, could bea good wife or a tsundere tomboy, depends on man, I guess Oo Ah! and it is not sexy.
That's me!
Rays are calling me to eat u.u '. Will add another meme later.
Now I know that Ebay is real and that Paypal is magic xD
pics of rompezabezas and how we kill my sister and me like 2 hours to assemble the Golden Pair in another post ^ ^
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Edinburgh Outlet Mall News That Should be good ...
So, I just read the news about the DL6 song list, Because I Was so anxious about this.
I saw old song from the Second and First Cast. This isn't new, I know it's usual to Perform in Tenimyu old song. Even I Was a little happy Because They sang "Do your Best" (For Two Reasons: First, Because aI like it, and second, I was glad That They copied a second cast song xD). Well, I WAS happy, for little time ...
Then, I saw NOW & FOREVER in the list.
I'm going to be honest. I listened this song only eleven, long time ago. But, for me, this song is only for the First Cast (Which I Love Without restraint). It wasn't a simple song, it's WAS Their ... mmm ... How Would I call it? "Special ballad? Well, I know NOW & FOREVER for the First cast, CRYSTAL for the Second cast, TOP OF THE STAGE FOR TENNIS for the third cast and Aikotoba Oretachi no cast for the Fourth. I call special Them, Because They Are Usually Performed in Tenimyu Are sung for graduation and all the cast with a lot of feelings. I like them. A lot.
That's why I do not want to see That Song Performed for Another cast.
Yes, I know, I'm too immature.
But thas is my feeling now. Sorry.
Because ... Almost ALL the First Cast sAre NGOs Been Another performed by casts.
i't Should be good. It's a sort of way to remember Them.
I do not know really. Do not misunderstand me
. I like all the Seigaku casts, Each of Them have a special charming. The Fourt Cast is gorgeus and I'm SO Rather nostalgic about Their graduation. This is only my senseless rambling. Tomorrow I'll forget this ... Another Things like. Although PD
, They Do not Have Another Ball Performed from Other cast. I think this song That Would Be the exception -.-.
P.D2. I got tired of my poor English. I know only one song & oacute, n, but will always be THE song of the first cast. I sing it the fourth best. (Because some say that the first cast were out of tune xD. The truth I just heard something very few rare occasions)
P.D3. At least I removed the Ore wa Burning! (Abe! TT) and the Ore wa Momo-chan (MoriEiji!). But you never know ... P.D4.Estoy
happy because at last sing some songs from the second cast (
P.D5. I'm weird, sorry.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Capezio Shoes In Fairfield Match Treasure Shitenhouji Icons!
Well, I tried to do Some icons for this wonderful music ^ ^. However, They Are So Few, But I Hope That You like them.
They Are Especially dedicated to my friend doori_ruito (Yes, you, Naki-chan ^ ^)
So, These are:
'll try to make more in a Few Days.
Today I have no classes in my university ^ ^, so I did more icons. ^ ^ Enjoy Them.
Credits: Screencaps by
Them Credit if you take ^ ^ Thanks
Friday, May 15, 2009
South Park Online Stream A very-long survey TeniPuri
Well, that's Because I Do not Have Enough time T ^ T
I liked this survey, taken from
Prince of Tennis: Survey TeniPuri Created by CHTIciak MLXC and taken 1032 times on Bzoink | |
All I remember only this: Sunday, 7:00 am approx . I Was Without Changing channels the point until i saw the first opening of POT. "An anime sport?" I Asked to myself, but I'll try to Give a chance. You can say That it was "luck" xD | |
A Sunday from 2006, I think | |
Well, I watch the first episodes, pero I Jumped Some ones xD. | |
Boring, I say, like a lot of Things That I love now. But the second Was the MOST important to me. The second impression was "I like men! OMG! " | |
Sometimes I read it from OneManga | |
From Youtube only | |
None, I'm poor and my country is from the Third World | ToT |
Some volumes of manga are in. English, But I Can Not Have Them. | |
, equal Than Above. | |
Theanime is dubbed and I Could see Them for TV. The bad thing is That There Are Only 52 chapters subbed. | |
cheap Some Things, pero original, no. | |
A Ryoma keychain, a little book of ilustrations, stickers. | |
NO, really | |
Story and Characters | |
I have a lot of them to be. That I think is Kawamura Takashi ^ ^ | |
Sasabe. That's all. | |
Seigaku. | |
I do not know xD. Shonan Jyosei xD Maybe | |
Tezuka vs Sanada in the final. | |
Mmmm ... That maybe one from theanime with the pair Ryoma Momo xD | |
None, sorry ^ ^ | |
All the "canon" xD (you know, Golden, Strongest, Silver, etc). Sorry if I'm a bitch, But is my reality. | |
It's about personality? Well, I like a lot the kindness of Oishi and Kawamura and the cuteness of Dan. | |
fandom | |
Actually, no. | |
I try Sometimes, pero xD I fail. | |
Of course, But Some fanfictions. | |
Yes!. I look a lot of japanese fan arts (including Some yaoi) They Are really good. | |
Slice of life (does it exist?), Humor, friendship, romance. | |
K - K + | |
I have a lots xD | |
I have a lot, too . BuThey Are only japanese t uu | Have you ever |
Never. Would I like to do it, but I'm am too fat xx | |
No. I'm Such a looser, am not I? | |
No, and I never will do so. | |
Yes, a lot | |
I made one, pero it's weird xD | |
No, I'm sorry xD. But crack is cute. Who needs Explanations?, Teh is the MOST important for blind love * love * | |
ALL the boys are straight! Only Koharu and Yuuji Would Be an exception, But I know That is only for fun * love * | blind for |
No, poor her. Rather she is shy, quiet and sweet, like the woman her | Should Be |
Mmm, yess ... maybe xD. Was | |
NECESSARY Not, But I liked the camp ^ ^ | Senbatsu |
The three xD | |
Need I say this? Well ... I do not know ... Sanada? | |
It's very easy. Shiite Urayama, Dan or Kachiro. Tezuka | |
Tezuka. | |
Yes, I is TEH winner. | |
Shiite Urayama xD. He is a cake head. | |
It's Difficult to say. But I'll be a sheep and I'll say Atobe. CH | TMLXC |
That I think friendship is similar to marriage. That You Have someone you know for a long time, with someone to share your happiness, sadness, angry. Should you marry someone with Who Could be your best friend. So. .. They are friends ^ ^. How can I say it? | |
Yes. But funny xD | |
Yes, I would. | Which team |
Well, Some quiz Said That I Would Be in Ginka XD. I'm Such a useless in tennis, But I Would likeTo Be or Yamabuki in Seigaku. | Which character |
Oh! I have tons of them to be xD. I'll choose the first Who Comes to my mind: Dan Taichi. I'm a shotacon | Which character |
I Would like all, pero it's senseless. One moment, Pot Sometimes xD is senseless. Mmmm I think Seigaku That and Some Other from the schools. Which | tennis technique |
I do not remember the name now, But Tezuka is one. | |
First, Yamato-Buchou ^ ^ (he is the Former Seigaku Buchou). Sorry, but I love himAnd I Need write historical name somewhere. Later ... Be Who Does someone Ryoma, Tezuka or Fuji. | |
I like him, But Love ... | |
! Take This Survey | Search Surveys | Create a Survey |
lol Well, What can I say? I'm too madto in this mada dane. Would I like to rant But I do not know how
xD So, this is my first post. I'll try to write Something Better, But for now I'll only collect icons and memes.
Have a nice day!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Silver City St. Catharines Athletic / Barca
copied and pasted:)
asumarules says Dani
* see tomorrow: D
* * will be crazy lost
asumarules says
* who will celebrate today? XD
* with the girlfriend or with your lover?
* the bride will not like football
* so the lover's gone to a bar to see
* and now still estaráncElebrás in a dirty bathroom in some dirty bar
* ♥ ♥ U