Well, that's Because I Do not Have Enough time T ^ T
I liked this survey, taken from
Prince of Tennis: Survey TeniPuri Created by CHTIciak MLXC and taken 1032 times on Bzoink | |
All I remember only this: Sunday, 7:00 am approx . I Was Without Changing channels the point until i saw the first opening of POT. "An anime sport?" I Asked to myself, but I'll try to Give a chance. You can say That it was "luck" xD | |
A Sunday from 2006, I think | |
Well, I watch the first episodes, pero I Jumped Some ones xD. | |
Boring, I say, like a lot of Things That I love now. But the second Was the MOST important to me. The second impression was "I like men! OMG! " | |
Sometimes I read it from OneManga | |
From Youtube only | |
None, I'm poor and my country is from the Third World | ToT |
Some volumes of manga are in. English, But I Can Not Have Them. | |
, equal Than Above. | |
Theanime is dubbed and I Could see Them for TV. The bad thing is That There Are Only 52 chapters subbed. | |
cheap Some Things, pero original, no. | |
A Ryoma keychain, a little book of ilustrations, stickers. | |
NO, really | |
Story and Characters | |
I have a lot of them to be. That I think is Kawamura Takashi ^ ^ | |
Sasabe. That's all. | |
Seigaku. | |
I do not know xD. Shonan Jyosei xD Maybe | |
Tezuka vs Sanada in the final. | |
Mmmm ... That maybe one from theanime with the pair Ryoma Momo xD | |
None, sorry ^ ^ | |
All the "canon" xD (you know, Golden, Strongest, Silver, etc). Sorry if I'm a bitch, But is my reality. | |
It's about personality? Well, I like a lot the kindness of Oishi and Kawamura and the cuteness of Dan. | |
fandom | |
Actually, no. | |
I try Sometimes, pero xD I fail. | |
Of course, But Some fanfictions. | |
Yes!. I look a lot of japanese fan arts (including Some yaoi) They Are really good. | |
Slice of life (does it exist?), Humor, friendship, romance. | |
K - K + | |
I have a lots xD | |
I have a lot, too . BuThey Are only japanese t uu | Have you ever |
Never. Would I like to do it, but I'm am too fat xx | |
No. I'm Such a looser, am not I? | |
No, and I never will do so. | |
Yes, a lot | |
I made one, pero it's weird xD | |
No, I'm sorry xD. But crack is cute. Who needs Explanations?, Teh is the MOST important for blind love * love * | |
ALL the boys are straight! Only Koharu and Yuuji Would Be an exception, But I know That is only for fun * love * | blind for |
No, poor her. Rather she is shy, quiet and sweet, like the woman her | Should Be |
Mmm, yess ... maybe xD. Was | |
NECESSARY Not, But I liked the camp ^ ^ | Senbatsu |
The three xD | |
Need I say this? Well ... I do not know ... Sanada? | |
It's very easy. Shiite Urayama, Dan or Kachiro. Tezuka | |
Tezuka. | |
Yes, I is TEH winner. | |
Shiite Urayama xD. He is a cake head. | |
It's Difficult to say. But I'll be a sheep and I'll say Atobe. CH | TMLXC |
That I think friendship is similar to marriage. That You Have someone you know for a long time, with someone to share your happiness, sadness, angry. Should you marry someone with Who Could be your best friend. So. .. They are friends ^ ^. How can I say it? | |
Yes. But funny xD | |
Yes, I would. | Which team |
Well, Some quiz Said That I Would Be in Ginka XD. I'm Such a useless in tennis, But I Would likeTo Be or Yamabuki in Seigaku. | Which character |
Oh! I have tons of them to be xD. I'll choose the first Who Comes to my mind: Dan Taichi. I'm a shotacon | Which character |
I Would like all, pero it's senseless. One moment, Pot Sometimes xD is senseless. Mmmm I think Seigaku That and Some Other from the schools. Which | tennis technique |
I do not remember the name now, But Tezuka is one. | |
First, Yamato-Buchou ^ ^ (he is the Former Seigaku Buchou). Sorry, but I love himAnd I Need write historical name somewhere. Later ... Be Who Does someone Ryoma, Tezuka or Fuji. | |
I like him, But Love ... | |
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lol Well, What can I say? I'm too madto in this mada dane. Would I like to rant But I do not know how
xD So, this is my first post. I'll try to write Something Better, But for now I'll only collect icons and memes.
Have a nice day!
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