Thursday, May 21, 2009

Herpes More Condition_symptoms Memes ... Oh beautiful memes!

The truth I really like filling these things ^ ^. And I feel more comfortable writing in English this time, because I'm a little rushed to expound my poor English. So you know, Naki, insurance will be one of the few who understand this ... but who knows XD.

I think I'll do that from now on. A post in English, the other in inglésy well, in my mind xD.

Well, to the point. So, the meme

Taken my new friend, or [info] malice_blood ^ ^

The firsto: Your personality stereotype Japanese.

Here ...

Tsunderekko (Harsh Gentle Outside-Inside)
[x] You come off as sort of aloof to Other People. (I'm not very sociable, the truth TT)
[x] In public, you Refrain from intentionally Showing Weakness much.
[] You Have A Something secret obsession with cute. (I have an obsession with things cute, but it's no secret xD)
[] You pretend you hate your crush That Even Though you really love him / her. (This is the only thing I do not like the tsundere, the truth xD)
[] You blush When people point out your sensitivites.
[] You blush when to tell people sex jokes.

Total: 2 ... I qI'm not xD eu. Let's move on to the next.

Yanderekko (Gentle-Harsh Outside Inside)
[x] You're very sweet and kind in public. (That I say, at least -.-)
[x] When romance Becomes a topic of discussion, people say your personality drastically changes file. (Yes, I get more candy diet Marui xD)
[] You know some sort of martial art, swordplay, or Otherwise.
[] You Have A Crush Who You'd literally kill for. (Furious, perhaps, but kill ... not so much)
[x] You Have a pet-peeve That Makes You snap.
[x] Bipolar? (If it be not coy in the street and being talkative at home recontra xD)
Total: 4, maybe I on track ... I guess this must be & amp; nbsp; by my affection for Fruits Basket Kagura xD

Meganekko (Girl-with-Glasses Character)
[x] You Have glasses ("Valen the rest?).
[x] Sometimes You CAN Be clumsy, ditzy, or absent-minded.
[] You are always very polite in your speech.
[x] You are intelligent Fairly In Some field.
[] You take discipline Seriously.
[x] You Have Some sort of fetish for something (the truth ... I'm not sure ... Do you have an obsession with the clavicles)
Total: 4 ... I am a Kagura with glasses xD.

TSUKKOMI (Angry Guy)
[] You Have A Friend Who Makes Often embarrasssing or dumb remarks.
[] You smack / beat up this friend in some way.
[] You do your best to Maintain a calm facade, only to Be thwarted by this friend.
[] If you & your friend Were A yin-yang, You'd Be the "yang."
[] You swear a lot.
[] You try to bring out the more ridiculous Serious side of your friend.
Total: 0

Boke (Dumb Guy)
[x] You Often make silly or embarrassing comments. (Only at home with my sister XD)
[] You like annoying the heck out of your best friend.
[] Often You get beaten up by your friend in Some Way, But you take it in good stride .
[] If you & your friend Were A yin-yang, You'd Be the "yin."
[x] You are very Normally theidback and carefree.
[x] You try to bring out the happier side of your angry friend. (Sometimes, but only in my house)
Total: 3, and only in the house xD.

Nadeshiko (Perfect Wife) (I like this Estereotypo, but do not know why I'm not xD q)
[] You are always, Almost overly polite.
[x] You love traditional Japanese culture.
[] You Either Often wear a kimono, yukata (summer cotton kimono), or apron. (But I would like)
[] You're an excellent cook. (Not know how to cook TT)
[x] You are Hardly ever angry.
[] You Have really long hair. (He was, after he's gone past that xD)
Total: 2 ... I sat & iacutee; to xD. But if it were a man, I'd like someone .... even know where someone like this ... -.- I

Tomboy Character
[x] You feel comfortable in boy's clothing.
[x] You Have short hair (not so short, but I would like)
[] You Have A Crush Whom you act friendly with Rather Than romantically.
[] You are really good at sport / s (LOL)
[] You are Admired by girls and boys for your talents, Though you're sort of in denial.
[] You show your girly features on rare occasions.
Total: 2. In part it's good, I

Sexy Character (WTF! I? ... We'll see -.-)
[] Your bust / package is formidable ....
[] You like making sexual innuendoes.
[] You Encourage trips to the beach, pool, or onsen (hot springs). (The beach is not mine)
[x] There Are Some Things That You Are sexual Ignorant or Need to Explained to you .
[] You're an expert cosplayer.
[] You like the taste of alcohol.
Total: 1 ... Unsurprisingly

And at last...Lolita / Shota Character (Male to respond this well, I give you my number xD)
[] You like sweets or chocolate.
[x] Things You adore cute and / or the word "kawaii".
[x] You use Japanese suffixes like "-chan" '-tan, ""-sempai, "etc ...
[] You Unnecessary add suffixes to the ends of your sentences, like "nyo," NYU, "" a, "etc ...
[x] You are Considered gullible or naive.
[] You Have A tall / Who Protects you Powerful friend.

Total: 3 ... well, my room was considered the most baby xD. People still check me thirteen years .... blind.

bueh. In short

bipolar I am a woman ( Taka-san, it's your fault xD ), who wears glasses, but is considered by many kawaii but the truth is a baka xD. To a lesser extent, could bea good wife or a tsundere tomboy, depends on man, I guess Oo Ah! and it is not sexy.

That's me!

Rays are calling me to eat u.u '. Will add another meme later.

Ah! I remembered my breaking news xD


Now I know that Ebay is real and that Paypal is magic xD

pics of rompezabezas and how we kill my sister and me like 2 hours to assemble the Golden Pair in another post ^ ^


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