Bleach Character: Kuchiki Rukia
Table: Stages of Grief
Prompt: Denial and Isolation
Pairing: Kuchiki Rukia / Shuuhei Hisagi
Gender: General / Hurt / Comfort
Rating: PG-13
Notes: 1. Valid
2. To
3. Further, in the post
Summary: just wanted to see it again, stop blaming yourself for everything.
Number of words: 938
Disclaimer: Bleach not mine. It belongs to Kubo-sensei.
Rukia slowly traversed the corridors of the headquarters of the Fourth Division, was there on the recommendation of his master, to heal their wounds. "A funny thing," she thought, because his injuries were not on his body buthis heart.
the newly appointed Lieutenant of the Ninth Division, was also there, but not for his injuries, he was giving the corresponding number of the monthly magazine, when he saw her, his eyes followed her, detailing the expression in his eyes and stopping his observation in the blood of his arms. It was not hard to conclude that it was not, nor recognize the term cost in your eyes, see on his face that same look he had when he had lost his companions, when he felt weak and cowardly.
"Thank you, lieutenant - said the captain of the Fourth.
"Ah, yes - he turned his gaze to her, smiled slightly and replied to his departure, saw his back away throughl hall and then returned his gaze to the shinigami who had just arrived, sat on a table inside a room, someone was talking, but she paid no attention to what they said, who attended her, made her bed on the table, gave a few instructions, and left. Hisagi
hesitated, then entered the room, since I had seen, many things had gone through his head, including the memory of his own experience and the desire to help that girl, not wanting to see her suffer , or go through the same thing he had been through. Why? I did not know, I just felt it was his duty, despite not knowing very well, felt it was important to offer their support, let it be downloadedhim as he apparently had no one else.
However, when crossed the threshold of the door and it was a cold, penetrating gaze, his mind went blank, his eyes fixed on her face, her feet flat on floor and a chill going through your spine.
She was the first to speak:
- Are you a member of the Division? -. Despite the circumstances, his voice was friendly, a bit strong, but gentle.
-No. I'm the Lieutenant of the Ninth Division - noted that she was stirred a little at the word "lieutenant", Hisagi Shuuhei
"Unless you Fourth Division, what are you doing here?
"Nothing - he replied after a pause," Sorry, I'm leaving. CHTMLX
CY did so, Rukia wondered what he wanted, he realized that seemed to intend to talk to her. Perhaps it would have been a little aggressive with him.
It was not long until he fell into a deep sleep, that's when Hisagi,-who had been waiting for this moment, came back into the room.
He realized that the shinigami was shivering a little, arranged the blankets on the shoulders of the girl, it was then noticed his breathing and his lips moving at an accelerated pace; Hisagi came to hear:
-Kaien-dono -, she said, one hand clutching the sheet tightly under his body, Kaien-dono! Is playing, right? Where is he hiding? Tell me, Kaien-dono! I will ... Kaien-dono ... Please -. A tear rolled down her eyes, due to gravity, wetting the pillow. She called his name again, begging him not to hide himself, insisting that this kind of games were not funny, reminding him that they had to train, announcing a new dance of Sode no Shirayuki had to show ...
clenched his teeth - Kaien-dono! Where? -. Rukia stood up abruptly, giving a header in the process Hisagi, Lieutenant recovered pretty quickly and turned to her.
-Kaien-dono - told the girl, looking with an expression of relief, she sighed and stood up. Hisagi wanted to say something, but stopped when they heard the sobs of Rukia-Kaien-Dono. I knew he was alive ... -. He directed his steps uninsured Lieutenant in his hallucination seen as that of his Division, and embraced him, equally uncertain, with no stop mourn and scold him for having played such a joke.
-Ku ... Kuchiki-san - he murmured, looked Rukia, Kaien-dono never called "Kuchiki-san," only "Kuchiki."
"You ... -. He blinked a few times, broken up with him, without looking at him "What are you doing here? "But
-Sorry ... ... that. Rukia meant to embrace. "I'm going
- announced the lieutenant of the Ninth, she nodded, watching through the door a second time. ***
The nightmares continued, the pain disappeareda; Rukia sometimes hallucinated that his lieutenant and mentor was alive, a smile lit her face.
Other times, the hours spent alone in the garden of his home or elsewhere, thinking he had simply gone, that someday return, they would be back there.
However, the reality clashed with their enthusiasm when they fell into the account that he never return, that
had been his fault, that still did not believe recent events, I wanted to pinch his arm, and waking him again and get rid of her nightmares. Just wanted to see it again, stop blaming yourself for everything. And Hisagi
understood and felt I should help her. She knew when she saw in the distance, and despitedistance in his eyes the same expression that had it now: the guilt, the sadness of having lost a companion, someone important, feeling that moment of helplessness. That moment felt completely weak. Weak and cowardly.
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