Use your birthday, it'd Be Because more fun that way. Tag
Other People ~
Tagged Must people repost this and change the title of the note to the sentence That They create!
Pick the month you Were Born: January
------- I did the Macarena with
February March ------ I -------- I groped
karate chopped April - I Licked
-------- ---------- May I Jump On June
---------- --------- I smelled July
- I -------- I Seized
Had lunch with September ---- I danced with October ------- I
sang to November ----- I yelle at
December ----- I ran over Pick the day
(number) Were you born on: 1 ------- Gilbird
2 ------- 3 ------- 4 ------- North America
Italy Germany
5 6 ------- ------- Japan
7 ------- Russia's water pipe
9 8 ------- China ------- 10 ------- Grandpa Rome
11 Yousei-san
------- 12 ------- England's cooking
13 ------- 14 ------- a wurst
your vital regions 15 - ----- Russia 's scarf to tomato
16 ------- 17 ------- 18 ------- PASTAAAAA ~
Austria's piano
19 ---- Russia
--- 20 ------- ------- South Italy Spain
21 22 23 ------- ------- Mochimero
24 --- France HERO BURGER
---- 25 26 ------- ------- Tony
a unicorn
Britannia 27 ------- 28 ------- Belarus Angel
------- 30 31 ------- ------- Austria Prussia
Pick the color of shirt You are wearing: White ---------
Because I'm a Ninja!
Black --------- Because I'm AWESOME!
Pink ----------- Because I'm like, totally fabulous! Red
----------- Because he / she / it just WAS SO CUTE!
Blue ----------- Because I'm sexy and I do what i want. Green
--------- Because the faeries told me to.
Purple --------- Because I Must express my emotions in Such a way. Gray ---------- Because
Big Brother told me to France.
Yellow -------- Because the tomatoes told me to! Orange
-------- Because my family Thinks I'm stupid anyway. Brown
--------- Because I feel like it, bastard potato. Other ---------- becaue
I can be. None
---------- Because I Must l'amour spread Throughout the World!
(I used my real meets all ~; D!)
PS: 'Grope' = grab her ass as
LOL sorry America [ hollyhockyuu ] ~ ~ or maybe not \u0026lt;/ 3
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