Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Claim: Spike Spiegel / Julia
Table: Here!
Topic: # 10 - Conquest
Title: Who was he?
Summary: His moods depended on the day of the year. Many times.
Warnings: Possible spoilers .
Disclaimer: Cowboy Bebop not mine
sometimes felt lost sometimes feel desperate, sometimes, he was happy, he intended embrace anyone who traverse it, all I used to do was smile, if launched, to embrace the result would be undesirable. On other days, I felt nothing, perhaps nostalgia.
However, their moods depended on what day of the week off, and worked most of the time. It had become almost a ha; Bito, which was unlikely to be undone.
did not expect that would change their fickle moods only one of constant happiness if, in one of those days, one of the people who smiled the smile returned, spending ; foward a long and serious look, almost hypnotized by her bright eyes.
Who was he? For now, do not care. Then would know his name.
Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Claim: Spike Spiegel / Julia
Table: Here!
Topic: # 18 - Calendar
Title: No timetable
Summary: was so lucky, never got bad reactions if they let slip a di to
Warnings: Possible spoilers .
Disclaimer: Cowboy Bebop not mine
Spike was not the people who count the days to an event or an important thing, to mewe are not too eagerly, for him, changing the days on the calendar until a specific date was not hopeless, even, from time to time he forgot the day, even when date marked on the calendar was highlighted and almost lit with neon lights.
was so lucky, never got bad reactions if left a day:
- Did you forgot, truth, Spike?
"Yes, sorry. I've been busy. You know, chases, gunshots.
"I understand, do not worry. We'll have another chance
&; Eacute; he smiled, pleased. Being too strict was not an essential part of his life, preferring what he calls "flow" live at their own pace. Hating calendars, dates and any kind of schedule.
When he met Julia, began to take a little more seriously on the calendar dates, because they were the few that could see it during the time he wanted.
Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Claim: Spike Spiegel / Julito
Table: Here!
Topic: # 7 - Stations
Title: Favoritism
Summary: What is your favorite season?
Warnings : Possible spoilers.
Disclaimer: Cowboy Bebop not mine
Finally after an eternity, Spike could enjoy the outdoors, breathe deeply without its badly hurtribs almost cursed by such torture; enjoyed stretching his arms and relax, rest his head on the grass and listen to the now constant joke when I saw Julia in this position:
"Your hair confused with the lawn -. No, it was not funny, but Spike never said so.
So were at that time, beside a tree, she was sitting, lying down, eyes closed, none was cold, it was summer. And even as Spike said it was too hot, she preferred a summer with him, you all alone. Sure, summer is not loved, butI preferred it that way.
-Julia - he said, she was a little frightened, he thought he was asleep
- What?
- What is your favorite season?
- Station?
-Season: Summer, Winter, Spring otoƱoo."Oh, that. My favorite season ... - Julia looked thoughtful for a while-Fall-Fall
- Spike repeated "Why?
"If I ask youo because you came to my house a year ago, drunk and hugged me, saying certain things ... you answer? "Maybe
- Yes or no?
"I do not remember. That's it.
"Sure - it sounded incredulous, but gave no more around the bush" Spike, what is your favorite season?
-Autumn - Spike replied, without missing a second. Closing his eyes again.
Julia decided not to ask why.
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