Bleach Character: Kuchiki Rukia
Couple: 4 / 10 Byakuya Kuchiki
Genre: General .
Rating: PG-13
Number of Words: 456
Warnings: Spoilers if you do not know who Hisano Kuchiki.
Disclaimer: Bleach not mine. It belongs to Kubo-sensei.
Kuchiki Byakuya had heard from his late wife had a certain phrase that made shudder, a verdad he obviously did not expect: Hisano had a younger sister, who had left in the Rukongai, District 78, perhaps, she did not remember clearly. They had spent who knows how many years since I had found, now living in the mansion Rukia Kuchiki, unfortunately, ignore this secret that haunted the minds of the inhabitants of the haunted mansion and threatening the corridors, silently approaching the ears of Rukia, away at once, perhaps for fear, perhaps ignorant pleasure of knowing.
And although not shown, Byakuya had begun to feel a certain closeness to the girl, often stopped their gaze on her, and did not wish the same thing happen to Hisano, fate did not want to take away the unitca company that had, whose silence is sometimes appreciated, it did not focus attention on fire with stupid care, I was just there and he gradually realized the attachment he felt to his company and, of course, it was inevitable that compared with Hisano, not surprisingly, it was his sister, both had a graceful, perfectly fit the atmosphere of the house, their skins were white, dark hair and violet eyes, - or blue? -, both were beautiful full of mysteries and unknowns, there was something almost magnetic, attracting you, you had to stay watching, but at the same time, we warned of the danger of touching, of committing an error, to deviate from your path.
Over the years, Byakuya had aprCleft to see Rukia in a manner different from what I saw Hisano, but felt that his younger sister had all those qualities that had attracted his now deceased wife Rukia something impelled him to just see her as his sister. Perhaps it was their small size or might be otherwise imperceptible to his senses, but in any case, Byakuya just knew that girl was watching train Hisano inheritance in this world, a girl under his eyes sad and distant, kept a big heart and an impressive fortress, a soul capable of carrying any weight without collapsing entirely, hiding the cracks in your heart that way that only knew Kuchiki, Byakuya thus understood that perfectly.
leader lgrateful to have family Kuchiki Rukia at her side, because even if your shy but firm "nii-sama" or with his silent presence, Byakuya had helped him to understand importance of family, and even more, had helped slowly healing fissures in his own heart.
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